Event Details
Date: 22 September 2023 - 24 September 2023

Location name: Pornichet, France

Location address: Hotel Chateau des Tourelles, 1 Avenue Léon Dubas, 44380 Pornichet, France

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John Riddington Young, TD and bar, MPhil, FRCS, DLO, North Devon DGH. Barnstaple, UK.

After an enforced recess of four years due to the pandemic, the Anglo-French ENT Society re-convened in the delightful seaside resort of Pornichet in Brittany. The venue was Chateau des Tourelles, a well-appointed spa hotel overlooking the Bay of Biscay. 

While eating seemingly endless plates of excellent fresh oysters, old acquaintances were rekindled between members of this somewhat eccentric society, which exists as much to promote entente cordiale as to exchange views on academic developments in ENT. 

Wendy Smith (Kettering) kicked off the main academic programme with what was generally considered as the most original and useful lecture of the weekend – on Cough as a presenting symptom in patients with renal carcinoma. Among other topics, we learned about Condom rhinoplasty, ‘Refractive sleep apnoea following adenotonsillectomy and even Ideas for a creative retirement. 

The congress was blessed with exceptional sunny weather (the English-speakers learned a new French word – canicule which means heatwave) and the Gala Dinner was held out on the beach on Saturday evening. It would be wrong not to acknowledge the largesse of 3S, Audika and Lowenstein for their sponsorship. 

The society visits alternate countries yearly and so next year’s meeting is planned for the UK.