A forum online and in print for the communication of news and information internationally and across disciplines for ear, nose and throat and audiology professionals

Empathic consulting: elevating audiology through connection

A new course in empathic consulting helps audiologists deepen patient trust and engagement, focusing on emotional insight to improve care quality and consultation outcomes. Leightons and The Hearing Care Partnership have developed an innovative course focused on empathic consulting for...

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In conversation with Helen and De Wet in Paris: cochlear implants in the year 2074

The World Congress of Audiology (WCA), held in Paris, France, in September 2024, provided a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with colleagues from around the globe. I took the chance to sit outside in the sunshine with De Wet Swanepoel from...

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Developing ENT services in Zambia

Lufunda Lukama and Matthew Clark. Lufunda Lukama is an ENT surgeon in Zambia. In a country of 19.6 million, he is one of five such specialists. It is not difficult to see the problem that he, and the country as...

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Laryngeal transplantation: is it a thing?

Few organs could be said to be more complex than the larynx when it comes to transplantation. Martin Birchall looks at past challenges, current issues and future prospects. I am not clear exactly why I chose to spend a life...

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Submit an event

From battlefield to homefront: how the First World War shifted perceptions of deafness

The First World War marked a pivotal moment in the understanding and treatment of hearing loss and deafness. Prior to the war, deafness had been largely attributed to congenital causes. This view was influenced by a negative eugenic Darwinist ideology...

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Chairmen, chairwomen and other persons

It is the lot of all academic clinicians to be called upon to chair or moderate the various sessions that take place at the multitudinous conferences we attend. Sometimes one is simply there to maintain order or to impose good...

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Past events

Transnasal oesophagoscopy (TNO)-guided secondary tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) under local anaesthesia

Here, the authors describe a convenient use of the transnasal oesophagoscope to create a new tracheoesophageal puncture in the outpatient clinic setting. Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) with voice prosthesis insertion is a reliable and effective technique for surgical voice restoration (SVR)...

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Getting DAP’d at concerts, museums and more

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Dr Nir Fink and Yami Thor about their products at Bettear and their new deep audio processing (DAP) AI-based technology. The purpose of Bettear is to improve inclusivity and accessibility for those...

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Robotics in rhinology – fantasy or the future?

Robotic surgery is advancing, but its use in rhinology lags due to spatial constraints and high costs. Innovations in flexible robots may bridge this gap in the future. We are in a new era, one of artificial intelligence and robotics....

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Product Guide

  • The 30th Congress of the European Rhinological Society will take place in Budapest, Hungary, in June 2025. The ERS-ISIAN-IRS 2025 committees have decided to extend the submission date for abstracts to: 17 February 2025 CET 23:59.
  • Tinnitus UK, the leading UK charity dedicated to supporting individuals with tinnitus, has published...
  • The UK Government’s Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced that tens of thousands of people with hearing loss will have access to new hearing aid devices, thanks to fresh guidance allowing businesses around the world to sell certain pioneering hearing aids in the UK.
  • Professors Adrian Agius of Malta and John Fenton of Ireland have brought a petition on patient safety to the European Union. “Are European patients fully informed and protected when they consult a specialist in ORL?,” they ask, “And will specialists practicing outside their area of competence be legally liable for their surgical outcomes?”



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