BAAP Hallpike Prize

BAAP LogoThe Hallpike prize was first awarded in 2009, following the kind donation of Dr Jeremy Hallpike, Emeritus Neurologist from Adelaide, Australia, in honour of his father Charles Skinner Hallpike.

The prize is awarded annually for the best project of the past 24-month period (research, audit or review of subject) in the area of audiovestibular medicine. The project can be unpublished or be in form of a presentation or poster, but the prize committee must be able to assess its quality from the available information. This committee consists of the Chairmen of the Education, Audit and Clinical Standards Subcommittees under the chairmanship of the Vice President of BAAP.

The successful candidate receives the prize certificate and a cheque for £300 which will be awarded at the March 2020 BAAP Annual Conference (or in exceptional circumstances at the October Hallpike Symposium) when the prize winner is expected to present their work.

The criteria on which the selection is based are:

  • Quality of project (50%)
  • Relevance to Audiovestibular Medicine (20%)
  • Relevance to clinical practice (10%)
  • Applicant’s history of research experience (20%) (the less experience, the better rating to encourage inexperienced applicants).

The application form needs to be submitted and received by the BAAP Honorary Secretary before 1 January 2020. For more information visit the BAAP website: