A partnership between two Australian organisations will bring together the country’s researchers to improve treatments for millions dealing with hearing issues. 

National Acoustic Laboratories (NAL) has been transforming the lives of people with hearing difficulties for more than 75 years. Ear Science Institute Australia (ESIA) employs hearing science, medicine and clinical teams to develop treatments with a view to finding a cure for hearing loss. 

“This powerful partnership with the Ear Science Institute Australia brings together many of the brightest and most ambitious hearing researchers in Australia,” said Dr Brent Edwards (right), Director, NAL. “All with the shared vision of having a significant impact on hearing healthcare to improve the lives of people with hearing difficulty everywhere.” 

NAL develops hearing health services and technology, conducts validation trials on treatment benefit and provides insight into the needs of clinicians and people with hearing loss. ESIA focuses on improving the quality of hearing health by translating its work from scientific research to the patient. 

“As we look towards the next era in hearing treatment, this partnership with National Acoustics Laboratories will bring new opportunities for knowledge sharing, leading to improved access, advanced solutions and better individual hearing care for people everywhere,” said Sandra Bellekom (left), CEO, ESIA. 

Hearing loss is one of the most common health concerns across the world, and by 2050, it's expected almost 2.5 billion people will have some degree of hearing impairment. Treating hearing loss can drastically change a person's life. The partnership between ESIA and NAL represents a collaboration of expertise in research, innovation and hearing healthcare that will translate into significant life improvements for many, both locally and globally. 

Both NAL and Ear Science provide evidence-based insights and solutions for adoption by hearing healthcare professionals, policymakers, manufacturers and people with hearing difficulties. By integrating their extensive resources and data sets, the two organisations hope to change the lives of people with hearing loss like never before.