Bio-logic® AuDX®

Bio-logic AuDX is a fast, easy-to-use and efficient OAE screener from Natus. It offers dual-frequency OAE testing with an option to test both ears at the same time. A single-touch ‘child mode’ feature starts an entertaining animation to keep the child engaged and quiet during the test. The device is configurable for OAE screening and pure tone audiometry – appropriate for screening patients of all ages.
Bio-logic® AuDX® PRO

Bio-logic AuDX PRO is a modular, handheld diagnostic OAE device from Natus designed to suit your needs and enhance your diagnostic toolbox. It features modular test options for diagnostic audiometry – configurable to access two tests in a single device. One-of-a-kind features improve speed, accuracy and efficiency.
Echoport 292

The powerful ECHOPORT 292-II dual probe OAE analyser satisfies the most demanding of clinical needs. Supplied with our ILOv6 software for PC it provides a full range of Gold Standard advanced clinical OAE tests –Bilateral DPOAE & TEOAE testing, SOAE, DP Growth, plus Contralateral Suppression. Alternatively, the ECHOPORT 292 I offers single probe tests for clinical and screening.
eOAE TEOAE+DPOAE – by The ENTists!

eOAE - the latest device from The ENTists!
The eOAE measures TEOAE+DPOAE in a fast, simple and reliable way. This battery powered mobile device can be used portable as well as computer based.
The full featured touch display and 5 different configurable protocols for TEOAE and DPOAE guarantees best results.
With the eOAE-PC software the device can operate completely remote controlled.

For OAE Screening & Diagnostic Testing
ERO∙SCAN is a lightweight, easy-to-use solution for OAE testing. The optional Sessions PC Software can be linked to your database. NHS data can be stored with HearSIM™ PC software and exported to a tracking file.
- Screening Version: DPOAE: 2.0 kHz to 5.0 kHz, TEOAE: 1.5 kHz to 4.0 kHz
- Diagnostic Version: DPOAE: 1.5 kHz to 12.0 kHz, TEOAE: 0.7 kHz to 4.0 kHz
- High noise immunity for operation in normal clinical environment.
GSI Corti

DPOAE and TEOAE Device
The GSI Corti is a portable, battery-operated diagnostic and screening instrument that measures Transient Evoked and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) in infants, children and adults. The Corti meets recommended screening protocols and provides diagnostic OAE testing. The Corti is accurate, fast, easy-to-use, and reliable.
Lyra – Clinical OAE

Lyra is a PC-based device dedicated for clinical OAE measurements. The fast and reliable DPOAE and TEOAE measurements reduce your test time and give you more time for the patient.
- Perfect for children and adults
- Functionalities for comprehensive clinical OAE – including ototoxicity monitoring
- Frequency range for TEOAE is 500 Hz to 5.5 kHz
- Frequency range for DPOAE is 500 Hz to 10 kHz.
Otoport Advance

The most advanced handheld clinical OAE instrument with quality DPOAE & TEOAE measurements- DPgram to 12kHz, DPZoom, DPgrowth, TEOAE waveform and spectrum, customisable protocols plus advanced data analysis and management. Essential part of advanced diagnostic test batteries. Compatible with Noah 4. Add ABR screening with our easy-to-fit ABR sleeve.
Otoport Flexi

Exactly what’s needed for clinical OAEs at a highly competitive price. Offering DP & TE OAEs with six multi-customisable protocols. Features include unique interactive paediatric distraction displays. Easily switch between clinical or screening modes with one touch. Ideal for adult, paediatric and infants. Compatible with Noah 4. Add ABR screening with our easy-to-fit ABR sleeve.
Otoport Lite

A simple to use handheld OAE screener with an intuitive interface, offered with either DPOAEs for paediatric and infant screening or TEOAEs for newborn screening. Automatic pass/refer, low-cost consumables and exceptionally long battery life all make it the ideal way to screen with OAEs. Compatible with Noah 4. Add ABR screening with our easy-to-fit ABR sleeve.
Otoport OAE+ABR

Otoport OAE+ABR brings OAE gold standard measurement and recording techniques to automated ABR in a combination that’s ideal for well-baby and NICU screening. ABR Uses chirp or click stimuli delivered by either OAE probe with in-ear calibration or by ear cups. Provides clear automatic OAE and ABR PASS/REFER evaluation plus detailed data capture and review, all in a handheld format. As used in UK’s UNHS programmes. Existing colour OAE Otoport users can add ABR screening with our easy-to-fit ABR sleeve.
Otoport TE Screener

Expertly designed for managed universal neonatal hearing screening programmes, delivering fast, reliable TEOAE results. Optimised data entry and download facilities, administrator controlled settable protocols, brilliant display and excellent battery management make it the perfect choice. As used in UK’s UNHS programmes. Compatible with Noah 4. Add ABR screening with our easy-to-fit ABR sleeve.