Seven years after publication of the third edition, this latest edition of Clinical Otology brings the reader right up to date with developments within this constantly evolving field.

Maintaining the same format as the previous edition, it concentrates on four main themes within otology: basic science, evaluation, management and rehabilitation. New to this edition is the addition of chapters detailing the latest scientific discoveries emerging from the fields of molecular genetics and neurodiagnostics, as well as the newest technologies in implantable hearing devices on the market.

What continues to bring this book alive is its abundance of high-quality illustrations, diagrams and photographs, which complement and enhance the text, and are particularly useful in explaining some of the more technical aspects of cell signalling, anatomy and physiology. Similarly, key learning points are summarised and tabulated clearly for quick reference. At the end of each chapter, is an extensive bibliography of the most current research evidence for self-study.

This text covers vast ground in a succinct, current and practically applicable fashion. Its carefully selected cohort of contributors have produced a highly refined work, remaining relevant and reader friendly throughout. It serves as a valuable resource for speciality trainees looking to fill the gaps in their knowledge of fundamental practices and principles behind otology within a contemporary context, but also as a comprehensive reference for all clinicians within otolaryngology and audiovestibular medicine. At £106.50 it is money well spent, and compares reasonably with other texts of similar stature.

A kindle version is now also available at almost £5 more. In conclusion, this book demystifies some of the challenging areas of otology, neuro-otology and audiovestibular medicine, which are often quite poorly taught, with an easy to read style and a plethora of colourful and informative illustrations; for that reason I rate it 5/5.

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Nora Haloob

London, UK.

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