Exactly 60 years after Dr William Rustad’s 47 page publication on the recurrent laryngeal nerve and thyroid surgery, Prof Gregory Randolph from Boston has edited a unique state-of–the-art review of the recurrent and laryngeal nerves for thyroid and parathyroid surgeons. A rich resource spread over 313 pages, divided into six chapters ranging from neural and surgical anatomy to intraoperative monitoring and neural injury.

This book is richly provided with colour illustrations and photomicrographs covering detailed aspects of the surgical anatomy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and its branches and its relationship to the inferior thyroid artery and the non-recurrent recurrent laryngeal nerve. Recent advances in intraoperative neural monitoring of the internal and superior laryngeal nerves are covered in detail as is continuous vagal monitoring. Important aspects of the surgical approaches to the laryngeal nerves, especially the last 2cm in the ligament of Berry, are described in perfect detail.

A full chapter on the management of neural injury includes useful tips on management of nerve injury intraoperatively in neurpraxic, non-transectional, transectional and during invasive disease. Postoperative management of unilateral, bilateral recurrent and superior laryngeal nerve weakness and their medico-legal aspect is also presented in detail. The authors include the elite international authorities in the field of research, anatomy, surgery and monitoring of the laryngeal nerves in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.

This book is of great value to endocrine surgeons, otolaryngologists and residents alike. Currently it is the only book which covers these important topics in such great depth. Credit goes to Prof Gregory Randolph and his associate editors, Profs Dralle, Dionigi, Braczynski and Chiang for this masterpiece. Strongly recommended for personal or departmental libraries.

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M Shahed Quraishi (Prof) OBE

FRCS(ORL, H&N) Doncaster Royal Infirmary, UK; Director ENT Masterclass®.

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