You searched for "nasal surgery"

127 results found

Long-term curative effects of microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm

This article describes results of a multicentre prospective trial performed to evaluate long- and short-term outcomes and complications of patients who underwent microvascular decompression (MVD) for hemifacial spasm (HFS). The surgeries were performed by surgeons with more than 15 years...

Review of pituitary tumour pathology

This is an excellent review article covering the pathology of pituitary adenomas (PA) as well as rare sellar lesions like lymphocytic hypophysitis that require aggressive treatment. The authors have preserved the 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of PA and...

Hemilaryngopharyngeal Spasm (HeLPS)

The authors report an unusual case of hemilaryngopharyngeal spasm (HeLPS) with glossopharyngeal neuralgia with otalgia in a middle-aged female patient. Her symptoms included left-sided sharp, electric sensation like pain radiating from her left ear to the left side of her...

Predictors of diabetes insipidus post-hypophysectomy

Transient diabetes insipidus (DI) after pituitary surgery is not uncommon and its diagnosis fairly obvious. Permanent DI is rare and often depends on the neurosurgeon’s experience. This retrospective study describes a large series of patients with majority undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal...

OSA is neuroprotective!

This interesting study supports the hypothesis of the protective effects of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) against ischemic events like stroke. The authors evaluated the impact of OSA with the presentation, hospital course and outcomes of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)....

Olfactory protective effect of omega-3 supplements during healing after endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection

This multicentre study, led by researchers from Stanford, demonstrates another use for omega-3 supplements. The study analysed cohorts equally divided between control arm and omega-3 supplementation. Post endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection, better olfactory function was observed at three and...

Hearing outcomes after retrosigmoid resection of smaller vestibular schwannomas are better

The authors reviewed published literature reporting hearing outcomes in patients after retrosigmoid (RS) resection of vestibular schwannoma (VS). Aggregate hearing preservation of 31% and 35% under fixed and random models respectively was observed in the 2034 patients meeting eligibility criteria...

Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery versus dopamine agonist therapy for microprolactinomas

This study addresses the importance of the location of microprolactinomas in determining prognosis after surgery. Long-term dopamine agonist treatment is the current standard of treatment for microprolactinomas. However, patients often seek surgical removal. The authors of this study retrospectively analysed...

Reliability of Koos classification

Vestibular schwannoma (VS) tumour size has been considered the primary determinant of hearing outcomes and facial nerve function according to several published studies. Varying methods are used to estimate the size and volume of the VS with very little consensus...

Follow-up of NF2 patients with ABRs, SDS and MRI

Hearing loss is one of the earliest manifestations in vestibular schwannomas with 60% of the patients having high frequency loss. Several metabolic and mechanical factors influencing the cochlea and cochlear nerve have been implicated in the hearing decline noted in...

Single surgery for repair of tegmen defects and superior semicircular canal dehiscence

This retrospective review of 34 patients undergoing repair of the temporal bone defect via the middle cranial fossa approach provides the author’s management strategy for two problems: superior semicircular canal dehiscence and tegmen defects. The incidence of both these pathologies...

Paediatric versus adult pituitary adenomas

This retrospective study compares paediatric with adult patients undergoing pituitary adenoma surgery over a period of 26 years at a single institution. All surgeries were performed via a sublabial approach using the operating microscope. An endoscope was used occasionally for...