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Multi-layered repair of lateral sphenoid CSF rhinorrhoea

This case series describes the author’s results with repairing lateral sphenoid encephalocoeles in seven patients. Alloderm inlay with abdominal fat onlay and nasoseptal flap onlay repair resulted in a 100% success rate with no recurrence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea,...

Developmental language disorder

Disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and developmental dyslexia have received widespread recognition. As a result, children affected by these conditions are able to receive remedial services. In this article, the author discusses the possible reasons...

Close monitoring of patients for delayed hyponatremia post-transsphenoidal surgery

he incidence of delayed hyponatremia is 16-28% and usually accounts for unplanned readmission of the patient within 30 days after transsphenoidal surgery. One of the surrogate measures of quality of care adopted by the government and regulatory agencies is 30-day...