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Tongue twisters to evaluate speech disorders

This interesting study compared errors in tongue twisters produced by adult patients with dysarthria with those produced by age-matched healthy controls. Audio recordings of all patients while they were vocalising tongue twisters were studied. The authors marked one word prominently...

Relationship between early language delays and long-term outcomes

This epidemiological study from Australia, spanning 16 years, explores the influence of early language delays over time on outcomes in affected adults. Based on vocabulary skills at age five, the study population was classified into four groups: persistently good, persistently...

Scoring system to predict hearing impairment following hemifacial spasm surgical treatment

The authors analysed brain stem auditory evoked potentials prospectively in 100 patients undergoing endoscopic microvascular decompression for management of hemifacial spasm over a period of two years. They then developed a scoring system based on electrophysiological events to predict the...