JOURNAL REVIEWED: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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What can the anterior cranial fossa fracture pattern tell us?

This assessment involves 81 patients treated between two regional major trauma centres in the UK. Fifty sustained a predominantly anterior directed force and 31 a lateral impact. They found that anterior impacts reduce the incidence of fracture propagated beyond the...

Intermediate risk factors SCC tongue

This retrospective review from Japan assessed 89 patients who underwent surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, specifically they reviewed the evidence of perineural and vascular invasion (27.0% and 23.6%). Their results suggest, not unsurprisingly, that perineural and vascular...

No difference upper or lower lip

This is a retrospective review from the Netherlands over a 20-year period to 2009 of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lip. In total, 979 cases of the lower lip were identified and 126 of the upper lip, with men...