Event Details
Date: 31 October 2023 - 2 November 2023

Location name: Dubai, UAE

Location address: Dubai World Trade Centre, Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre 2, 9292 Dubai, UAE

Contact: Russell Galanza, Index Conferences & Exhibitions Org. Est.

Tel: +971 4 520 8835 / +971 5078 50586


Under the patronage of HE Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention in the UAE, Dubai Otology 2023 will bring together international specialists, medical professionals and business executives to exchange knowledge in the dynamic fields of otology, neurotology and skull base surgery. As the related fields advance at a remarkable pace, the event is a pivotal force for progress.  

The scientific programme aims to enhance understanding and foster new dialogues,” said Dr Ahmad Alamadi, Event Chairman. Twenty-four sessions led by more than 60 experts will explore crucial topics in otology, from cholesteatoma to vestibular disorders, with 700 delegates expected to attend. In addition to enlightening lectures, our three-day hands-on workshops will cover FESS, rhinoplasty and temporal bone dissection." 

Dubai Otology 2023 will explore ear health, facial nerve care, hearing improvement and treatments for common problems such as tinnitus and vertigo. "The illuminating programme will dive into critical perspectives of ear and nose surgeries, counting subjects like cholesteatoma and cochlear inserts,” said Professor Essam Saleh, MD, PhD, Scientific Chairman of Dubai Otology. “Complementing these subjects are specialised sessions committed to audiology and discourse pathology, planned to enhance your knowledge. 

Consultant Otolaryngologist Asad Qayyum (Northwest Anglia Foundation Trust, Peterborough, UK) will give an opening-day keynote speech as well as talking about cholesteatoma surgery and stapedectomy. Other speakers include:

  • Ahmad MH Alamadi, Medical Director and Head of ENT Department, Kuwait Hospital Dubai, on subjects including meatoplasty and eustachian tube balloon tuboplasty
  • Essam Saleh, Consultant of Otology & Skull Base Surgery, King Abdullah Medical City, Makka, Saudi Arabia, on controversies in cochlear implantation and decision-making in petrous apex lesions
  • Isra Aljazeeri, Consultant Otology, Neurotology and Implantable Devices, Aljaber Hospital, Ministry of Health, Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, on facial nerve stimulation in CI and anatomy-based fitting. 

The milestone event promises an unparalleled experience for professionals and enthusiasts alike, reaffirming a commitment to equipping the healthcare sector to deal with the most critical ear, head and neck diseases and disorders, and allowing attendees to explore the latest medical research, treatment advances and technologies in the field of otology.