Event Details
Date: 12 October 2022 - 13 October 2022

Location name: London, UK

Location address: St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, South Wharf Road, London, UK


Stepping up from a core surgical trainee to ENT registrar can be a challenging and daunting feat. The Southern ENT ST3 Bootcamp, located at St Mary’s Hospital in London, provided an excellent opportunity for newly appointed registrars to develop surgical and non-technical skills that would help ease this transition and increase confidence going forward.

This two-day course, led by Professor Neil Tolley and Dr Nikita Mehtani, involved trainees cycling through ten practical and simulation scenarios in a high-fidelity, clinical environment. Ample opportunity was provided to develop surgical skills under close supervision, including FESS and bronchoscopy.

Faculty were very approachable and supportive throughout, with trainees particularly enjoying performing a cortical mastoidectomy using the Voxelman simulator. Another course highlight was the ‘ENT Emergencies’ lecture series by Matthew Rollin, ENT Consultant at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, who dispensed both facts and pearls of wisdom relating to key topics pertinent to a day one registrar. Learning was supplemented magnificently with delicious Indian cuisine for lunch (on both days!) and a wonderful course dinner.

Feedback from trainees at the Southern Bootcamp was glowing, with many praising the organisation, value, and interactive elements of the course.

Haseem Raja, ENT Registrar, University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire. 


Report on the Northern ENT ST3 Bootcamp 2022