MERZ Rhino®

The implementation of nasal provocation tests, varied evaluation options and an illustrative pre/post presentation, makes the MERZ Rhino® the perfect rhinomanometer in the field of allergology, ENT diagnostic and nose surgery. The device and its consumables have been tested in clinical use and cleaning and disinfection are clinically validated. The MERZ Rhino® is operated by evidENT Rhino, a modern and high-performance software.
NoseFit® Thermoplastic External Nasal Splint

NoseFit® is a rigid, yet lightweight external nasal splint that optimizes the stabilization and recovery of the nose following sports injuries, accidents, surgeries, and other conditions requiring immobilisation and protection. Its ergonomic design ensures a comfortable fit, making it suitable for patients of all ages and lifestyles.
Otopront RHINO-SYS

The only complete system for functional diagnosis of nasal breathing. The combination of rhinomanometry, rhinoresistometry, acoustic rhinometry, nasal-cycle measurement and nasal provocation testing the system enables an objective evaluation of the nasal respiratory function and a differentiation between the possible causes of the nasal obstruction. The software provides the user with precise diagnostics at a glance (HL7; DICOM).

Piezotome can be used to treat all bone types whilst providing soft tissue preservation. Main benefits of Piezotome:
- Very fine and precise osteotomies, no risk of unwanted fracture
- Nine tips designed for ultrasonic rhinoplasty to correct bone humps, asymmetry and narrowing of a wide bony vault by rasping, cutting and drilling
- Procedure performed under direct vision for enhanced precision
- Faster recovery and social-life re-integration with less ecchymosis and more natural results.
Better results for the surgeon and patient.
Tampons - Nasal Splints – Catheters

EON Meditech Pvt. Ltd. is a premier organization for exclusively manufacturing more than 450+ Oto-Rhino-Laryngology products for 15 years.
Internal & External Nasal Splints, Silicone sheeting are used after rhinological operations to support and/or protect the nasal septum. Nasal, sinus or epistaxis tampons/catheters are used after rhinosurgical procedure to stop NoseBleed.