You searched for "age"

1048 results found

Guillotines from Joseph‑Ignace Guillotin to Greenfield Sluder

Joseph‑Ignace Guillotin. The politician and physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (1738-1814) was so disgusted by brutal head and shoulder injuries sustained in ‘failed attempts’ by drunken axe-wielding executioners during the French Revolution that he and surgeon Antoine Louis (1723-1792) advocated not only...

Cochlear implantation in elderly candidates and effect on quality of life

The authors aimed to assess the improvement in quality of life (QoL) of cochlear implant patients over 60 and its relation to audiometric benefits. An observational retrospective study was conducted on 26 individuals older than 60. The outcome was compared...

Implications of tonsillectomy in very young children

This is a comprehensive study comprising 157 children who underwent tonsillectomy below the age of two years, mainly for sleep-disordered breathing (86.6%) and recurrent tonsillitis (7%). With relatively recent understanding of OSAS, the indications for tonsillectomy in children under two...

How common is self-reported dysphagia in the general population?

Healthcare policymakers and commissioners of services often review incidence and prevalence data when deciding on resource allocation. The authors of this paper have capitalised on a large dataset, the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), which collects data on over...

Paediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Between 11 and 18% of nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) occur in the paediatric age group but there are no specific management guidelines for this age group. Tunisia is a region with an intermediate incidence of NPC, the authors studied 40 cases...

Voice therapy is an effective treatment for presbyphonia

The quality of an individual’s voice often declines with age. This deterioration occurs firstly as a result of vocal fold atrophy secondary to histologic alteration of the vocal fold mucosa as well as atrophy of the laryngeal musculature. Phonatory efficiency...

Medication and its effect on the larynx

This article summarises different medications and their effect on the voice. A growing number of patients we see in clinic are on multiple medications that could affect vocal cord function. The author summarises different classes of medications and their potential...

Balance and vestibular disorders 2024

To skip directly to features, click the links below: Welcome from the editor - by Prof Peter Rea How to evaluate and treat the dizzy patient: non-medical diagnosis-based strategies - By Richard E Gans Diagnosis and treatment of BPPV with...

Surgical anatomy for central auditory device implantation

This cadaveric study by researchers in the USA and Japan examined the cerebellopontine angles with the aid of the surgical microscope and 45o endoscope via the retrosigmoid and translabyrinthine approach. Using fibre dissection technique, the ascending auditory pathways between the...

Swallowing it whole: the physical and psychological consequences of dysphagia

Living with dysphagia in the real world can be extremely challenging, both practically and psychologically. Long-term changes in taste due to chemo-radiation treatment for head and neck cancer, fatigue due to Parkinson’s disease, and physically impaired structures due to stroke...

Continue ENT Diagnosis, Safely – with Single-use SNAP, Endoscope Guide

The SNAP, Endoscope Guide ensures safe passage of a nasendoscope through a surgical mask.