You searched for "otology"

1057 results found

Multisystem pathology in refractory otitis media with effusion

Recurrent middle ear effusion is a common problem and so is rhinosinusitis with polyposis. It is not often thought that the problem could be linked to multisystem pathology, such as eosinophilic granulomatous with polyposis. Therefore, repeated grommet insertions and surgical...

The art and science of acoustic ecology

Aki Pasoulas summarises the diverse forms and approaches of the relatively new and expanding area of acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between living beings and their sonic environment. Sound Ecology emerged in the late 1960s through the...

TWJ Foundation Golden Jubilee

The TWJ Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. A black-tie dinner was held at the Apothecaries’ Hall in London on Friday 3 May, with the President, David Wright, in the chair. The evening brought together TWJ Trustees, some of our fellowship hosts, former fellows, donors and TWJ family members.

Otologic Surgery - 5th Edition

Otologic Surgery 5th Edition, edited by Derald Brackmann, Clough Shelton, Moises Arriaga and Richard Gurgel, is a textbook masterpiece. The book is written in tribute to the editors’ mentors: Drs Howard House, William House and James Sheehy, whose pioneering work...

Division of tongue tie helps breast feeding

The need for frenotomy in children with tongue tie is not universally accepted. It is however understood that among other problems, such as impaired speech, tongue tie impedes breast feeding possibly leading to early weaning. Therefore, with recent resurgence of...

A Treatise on Otosclerosis and its Treatment

Rinze Tange and I were co-authors for the otosclerosis chapters of both the seventh and eighth editions of Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology which he references in his book. It was particularly exciting therefore to receive this beautiful 363-page treatise on all that...

Impact of delaying otologic surgery

In this Belgian study, the authors looked at the impact of delaying otologic surgery by sending an online survey to 44 adult patients diagnosed with benign ear pathology whose surgery was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was...

A Dictionary of Hearing

This book is aimed at students and professionals working in the fields of otology and audiology. It would be suitable for audiologists, nurses and doctors, teachers of the deaf and speech and language therapists. The price is set at £36.99,...

Royal Society of Medicine – the year ahead

Professor Peter Andrews and Professor Manohar Bance look forward to 2022-23.