Latest Contribution

Pharyngoplasty for palatal snoring

This prospective Belgian study looked at the benefits of barbed reposition pharyngoplasty in the management of patients with isolated unilevel palatal snoring. This technique involves using a barbed suture and repositioning the palatopharyngeal muscle in a more lateral and anterior...

Septal perforation healing

This Turkish animal-based study looked at the healing properties of Hypericum Oleum (HO, or St John’s wort) and Triticum vulgare (TV, or wheat germ oil) on nasal septal perforations in rats. Both HO and TV have wound healing properties and...

Lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid cancer

This retrospective Korean cohort study looked at the risk factors associated with bilateral lateral lymph node metastases in patients with unilateral papillary thyroid cancer. There were 11 patients who met the inclusion criteria across an 11-year period from 2009 to...