You searched for "Cancer"

1578 results found

In conversation with Simone Botha Welgemoed, dancer and model

In this article, Simone Botha Welgemoed shares deep insights on what it is like to have a profound hearing loss and cochlear implant as a professional ballet dancer and model, and the challenges she faced from childhood to get to...

Risk factors for TORS treatment failure in HPV-related oropharyngeal cancers

HPV-related squamous cell cancers are an increasingly common cause of malignancy in the oropharynx. There is evidence that these cancers are associated with a significantly improved overall survival compared to conventional HPV-negative tumours. The optimal treatment for such cancers is...

HPV and ENT; should we vaccinate boys?

David Black and Charlie Hall reiterate Vin Paleri’s pleas for a common sense evidence-based approach by those who allocate healthcare resources to the now urgent issue of HPV-related disease. They discuss the merits of different vaccines and the need for...

Facing changes after surgery through portraiture

‘Facing Out: Life After Treatment for Facial Cancer’ was a two-year arts-for-health project funded by Arts Council England and The National Lottery which culminated in an exhibition at The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, in February 2019. Here, artist and project...

Structures determining T4a, T4b

This paper for tertiary cancer centre in India attempted to determine whether patients with T4b oral cancers involving the 'masticator space' should be treated with survival intent comparable to T4a cancers. Over a 7-year period, 30 patients with T4b cancers...

Malignancies of the Nasal Vestibule

This text is a comprehensive guide to the management of malignancies of the nasal vestibule. The book starts off with a review of the anatomy, patho-physiology and patterns of disease spread for nasal vestibule carcinomas. Of course, no book on...

ENT In this issue...Robotics in Head and Neck Surgery

Robotic surgery is here to stay. Within the specialty of otolaryngology, robotics has made headway across all of the subspecialties, although some advances may still be at the pre-clinical stage. The clinical applications are most acutely evident in the practice of head and neck cancer surgery, specifically transoral robotic surgery (TORS).

Clinical leadership and management: developing world ENT

I have been asked to share some of the initiatives I have been involved with to address ENT-related challenges in Africa and the developing world. Developing countries constitute the majority of the world’s landmass (Figure 1), are home to >50%...

In the future there will be robots

This edition of review articles encompasses the emerging techniques of robotic surgery, written by international experts from centres that are increasing their repertoire of procedures. The treatment of oropharyngeal cancer is challenging irrespective of modality, as oncological and functional outcomes...

Setting up a robotic surgical practice: view from India

Transoral robotic surgery has an established role in head and neck cancer surgery. But how easy is it to set up a service in a resource-constrained environment? Gouri Pantvaidya and Ameya Pai give us a view from the Indian subcontinent....

Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Clinical Reference Guide – 5th Edition

In 11 chapters over 800 pages, Pasha and Golub have once again published an updated, popular and concise handbook sought by trainees all across the globe. Each chapter covers a range of sections from anatomy, physiology and diagnostic to new...

Laryngeal disorders associated with HIV infection

Following the introduction, and now widespread availability, of combined antiretroviral therapy, HIV has become a chronic disease with minimal or indeed no negative impact on life expectancy. As a result, there is a growing public health interest in establishing the...