You searched for "Eustachian tube"

17 results found

Tubomanometry in eustachian tube dysfunction

This prospective study evaluated the validity and reliability of tubomanometry (TMM) in 25 patients with sinus disease, 75 patients with middle ear disease and 25 healthy volunteers. After thorough clinical examination, the participants were evaluated with TMM, nasal endoscope, otoendoscope,...

Objective testing for Eustachian tube dysfunction

Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is typically diagnosed based on subjective symptoms and examination leading to wide variation in its diagnosis and management. The search for an objective test has looked at ways of measuring the passage of air through the...

Endoscopic sinus surgery improves Eustachian tube dysfunction

This prospective, multicentre trial from China looked at the improvement in Eustachian tube function after endoscopic sinus surgery. Seventy patients from three tertiary units were included in the study. They all completed the Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETDQ-7) and SNOT-22 questionnaires...

Eustachian tube function before and after FESS

This is a prospective study from the UK looking at Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) undergoing surgery. Fifty-seven consecutive patients who had failed medical therapy and were scheduled for endoscopic sinus surgery completed SNOT-22 and...

Does Eustachian tube dysfunction improve with FESS?

This multinational study prospectively collected SNOT-22 data to determine the prevalence and severity of, and whether endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) had improved, symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction in patient with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The SNOT-22 includes two questions which are...

Application of balloon dilatation in chronic eustachian tube dysfunction

Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction prevails in 1% of the adult population and can predispose to middle ear disease. There are subjective and objective features of this condition that can affect quality of life. The common methods to treat eustachian tube...

Cartilage myringoplasty to treat patulous eustachian tube dysfunction

Patulous eustachian tube (PET) dysfunction, where the eustachian tube is abnormally opened at rest, is a notoriously difficult condition to treat. Symptoms can mimic symptoms of superior semicircular canal dehiscence: autophony, aural fullness, hyperacusis and breathing synchronous tinnitus. Treatment has...

Lateral wall augmentation for patulous eustachian tube

The problem more commonly attributed to the eustachian tube is lack of its patency rather than it being unduly patulous. This lesser recognised condition is due to loss of peritubal fat volume resulting in concavity of the lateral wall and...

Transtympanic plugging for chronic patulous eustachian tube

The authors developed a silicone plug (Kobayashi plug) to manage severe intractable patulous eustachian tube dysfunction (PET). This retrospective study investigates ET function after Kobayashi plug surgery, based on postoperative tympanic membrane (TM) findings and active opening (AO) of the...

Curettage adenoidectomy impairs eustachian tube function

Adenoidectomy is a common procedure undertaken for obstructive sleep apnoea and nasal obstruction. Curettage is the most common technique but is associated with complications (mucosal trauma, bleeding) that may cause eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD). This study analysed changes in middle...

Application of paper patching in patulous eustachian tube

The condition of patulous eustachian tube, as opposed to dysfunctional eustachian tube, is less frequently diagnosed. Symptoms related to this, such as autophony, aural fullness, ‘being under water’, ‘hearing their own breathing’, and hearing sensitivity (varying in either direction) can...

Balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube: An evidence based review

Eustachian tube dysfunction has long provoked debate among otolaryngologists with wide-spread variation in management. Establishing a safe and effective surgical technique to bring about resolution would be of benefit to those affected, with an estimated incidence of 0.9% in the...
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