You searched for "nerve"

960 results found

Cochlear implantation in enlarged vestibular aqueduct patients

In this systematic review, the authors describe the complications and outcomes of cochlear implantation in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA). The authors reviewed five major databases and included 4035 patients from 34 studies. Of these, 853 patients (21.14%) had...

Successful laser treatment of a laryngeal cause of dizziness

Dizziness is often considered to be a condition that is best managed by physicians or otologists. This case report describes an unusual cause of presyncope successfully treated by a laryngologist. The patient in question was a 45-year-old member of the...

A new treatment for chronic rhinitis

The review paper looks at the efficacy of cryoablation of the posterior nasal nerve (PNN) to treat chronic rhinitis, an increasingly popular method of treating a highly prevalent and morbidity-inducing disease. Five studies were included in the meta-analysis, all dating...

We should all use ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy when investigating salivary gland lesions

Ultrasound core needle biopsy of salivary glands is an excellent diagnostic tool in terms of accuracy (both sensitivity and specificity), technical performance, and safety profile. This paper provided an update of the previous meta-analysis of the same question, which found...

Are vascular loops at the CPA of any clinical significance?

Neurotologists have grappled with this question for many years. The aim of the study was to determine the clinical relationship of vertigo symptoms with vascular loop compression syndrome using 3D T2WI turbo spin echo high-resolution MRI. The study included 417...

What blood tests should be requested to investigate vocal cord paralysis?

Patients who are discovered to have a vocal cord palsy with no obvious cause on history or examination routinely undergo investigations to exclude an underlying pathology. Cross-sectional imaging of the relevant recurrent laryngeal nerve is required, but considerable variability has...

A comparison of same day with staged bilateral cartilage graft tympanoplasty for tubotympanic CSOM

This randomised, controlled study compares the tympanoplasty outcomes in two groups of patients: one undergoing bilateral tympanoplasty on the same day (18 patients, 36 ears) and the other having the same procedure done on different days, with a gap of...

Minimal or not so minimal?

Parathyroidectomy is usually a straightforward technique when the target gland has been accurately determined. Surgical excision is usually through a small midline incision. With the advent of video assisted surgery, trials have been made to use this technique in parathyroidectomy....

Surgery of vestibular schwannomas with peritumoral oedema

This is an interesting retrospective study evaluating peritumoral oedema on magnetic resonance images and correlating it with the intra-operative tumour characteristics and outcome. The study results found that vestibular schwannomas with peritumoral oedema were associated with greater incidence of hypervascularity...

Why do septoplasties fail?

If you are amongst the ones who wonder what keeps your patient blocked in spite of a reasonable septoplasty, it will be worth your time going through the chapter on nasal valve management. The concise table detailing the surgical techniques...

Awareness of alternative techniques in cochlear implantation

The use of alternative techniques for cochlear implantation is indicated in unusual cases where the standard procedure would not be suitable. The authors of this study highlight the various reasons as to why an alternative technique might be sought, and...

Patient experience of necrotising otitis externa

Necrotising otitis externa is increasing in incidence in the UK and becoming a rising burden to patients and health services. Despite a growing body of literature on this condition, we know very little about patient experience of necrotising otitis externa....