You searched for "olfactory"

693 results found

Postinfectious olfactory disorders

Recovery of olfactory function following URTI is frequent, even many years after the infectious insult. Upper respiratory tract infection is the commonest cause of olfactory loss. Many treatment options exist including topical steroids, vitamin B, acupuncture, and zinc, which can...

Treatment algorithm for olfactory disorders

The purpose of this paper is to review the current evidence in diagnosing olfactory disorders and suggest an algorithmic approach to patients with relevant complaints. Age-associated olfactory loss is often multifactorial and requires a careful history and physical exam. A...

Treatment of olfactory dysfunction

The sense of smell is crucial to our being able to relish food and experience our environment. Olfactory dysfunction has been trivialised or ignored previously, but the negative consequences of the loss of sense of smell are being increasingly highlighted....

Olfactory neuronal damage in sinusitis

So many patients with nasal disorders have poor olfactory function, yet sometimes the nose may seem comparatively clear of conductive problems. This study postulated that neuronal damage in the olfactory apparatus would lead to a leakage of neuron specific enolase...

Olfactory function and vitamin D

This Turkish prospective study evaluated olfactory function in individuals with primary vitamin D deficiency and the effect of replacement therapy on olfactory function over an eight-month period in 2019. A total of 91 individuals with vitamin D insufficiency were included,...

Olfactory disorders in COVID-19

This Turkish prospective longitudinal observational study evaluated olfactory disorders (OD) and recovery processes in patients with COVID-19 infection at three time points within the first month of diagnosis: time of diagnosis with positive PCR test; time of first negative PCR...

Olfactory ensheathing cells and their safe harvest

This interesting and unique paper not only demonstrates that biopsy of olfactory mucosa in the region of the superior turbinate is a safe procedure but also provides valuable insight into an engaging area of research by a world class team...

A new idea for olfactory recovery, but not the evidence to support it

Smell training for olfactory loss of all types is a well-recognised treatment, and the typical regimen of rose, clove, lemon and eucalyptus is frequently used. This study looks to compare using eight essences rather than four to see if this...

A new hope for post-COVID olfactory loss?

Does anyone remember COVID? It seems that what happened between 2019 and 2021 is all but forgotten about. Aside from it cropping up on news feeds occasionally and a few out-of-date automated phone messages that start off with ‘During the...

Olfactory and gustatory recovery in coronavirus patients after six months

It remains unclear for how long olfactory and gustatory losses persevere in patients with COVID-19. This is a prospective study of 300 patients who lost taste and smell within seven days of contracting COVID-19. The patients were objectively assessed with...

Olfactory protective effect of omega-3 supplements during healing after endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection

This multicentre study, led by researchers from Stanford, demonstrates another use for omega-3 supplements. The study analysed cohorts equally divided between control arm and omega-3 supplementation. Post endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection, better olfactory function was observed at three and...

To scan or not to scan?

This comprehensive review article seeks to establish how useful is MRI in the evaluation of patients with a history of smell loss or distortion. Interestingly, while some studies found the imaging unhelpful, one paper described found a 25% rate of...