You searched for "research"

2051 results found

Facial palsy: What do patients and healthcare care about?

The article describes the process for establishing a collaborative research agenda to address gaps in understanding of the diagnosis, treatment management of facial palsy. A Delphi technique was used in order to establish a facial palsy research agenda. In round...

Deaf scholar is UK first

The first deaf scholar ever to achieve full professor status in the field of deaf studies and sign language studies in the UK has been announced at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.

Cochlear Implants, Third Edition

Cochlear Implants is now in its third edition with the last addition being published in 2006. With the third edition being published in 2014 there have been eight years of development and research to take in to account and as...

In conversation with Professor Anne Schilder

Flying the flag for research in ENT, hearing and balance Anne Schilder is an NIHR Research Professor and leads the evidENT team at the Ear Institute at University College London. She also holds a Chair in Paediatric ENT at UCL...

The DOSO outcome measure

The subjective outcome measures are a crucial element of the auditory rehabilitation process for hearing aid fitting. Authors hypothesised that normative data used for the device-orientated subjective outcome (DOSO) were no longer valid for new hearing aids technologies (2015-era technologies)....

In conversation with Professor David Kemp

Ted Killan, Vice-Chair of the British Society of Audiology (BSA), caught up with Professor Kemp to discuss his scientific journey over the past 40 years, and what we can expect from OAEs in the future. Prof David T Kemp. In...

The accidental audiologist

In this article we hear from Muhammed Ayas, an “accidental” audiologist applying his transferable skills as a clinician, academic, and researcher through trying and testing innovative approaches in audiology to better serve the community. My audiology journey began 22 years...

Laryngeal Electromyography, Third Edition

The third revised and updated edition of this concise and practical handbook on laryngeal electromyography should be a useful reference guide to all laryngologists: the beginner and the established professional. The initial chapters give an overview and deal with the...