You searched for "sinusitis"

283 results found

Olfactory neuronal damage in sinusitis

So many patients with nasal disorders have poor olfactory function, yet sometimes the nose may seem comparatively clear of conductive problems. This study postulated that neuronal damage in the olfactory apparatus would lead to a leakage of neuron specific enolase...

The impact of rhino-sinusitis treatment on olfaction

This study included 28 adults prospectively enrolled between March 2011 and May 2013 into a non-randomised, multi-institutional cohort. Adults electing endoscopic sinus surgery experienced gains in olfaction comparable to adults electing continued medical management. The evidence in this study comparing...

Diagnostic features of acute invasive fungal sinusitis

Acute invasive fungal sinusitis (AIFS) is a rare but frequently lethal condition, commonly associated with a high morbidity among those that survive. It has gained recent media attention on account of its increased incidence following infection with (and treatment for)...

Lower respiratory involvement in allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis

The recent ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) project has generated interest in simultaneous involvement of the lower respiratory airway in cases of chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis. This study takes into account the extent of pulmonary function...

Do we need to intervene after complications of acute sinusitis in children?

omplications of acute sinusitis in children are not uncommon and some are managed surgically. The authors of this paper reviewed their experience of subsequent chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Nine of 86 patients required surgery in the 12 months after their initial...

A lateralised middle turbinate post pituitary surgery and incidence of sinusitis

A common belief amongst pituitary surgeons is that lateralising the middle turbinate to access the sphenoid can result in an iatrogenic sinusitis. This paper attempts to find out whether this is in fact true. Thirty-eight patients fitted the inclusion criteria...

Can we avoid FESS in patients with true isolated odontogenic sinusitis?

This is a useful study looking at how best to manage patients with odontogenic sinusitis and if FESS can be safely avoided. The authors treated patients by removing the odontogenic cause of the rhinosinusitis by extracting the offending tooth and...

The association of frontal recess anatomy and mucosal disease on the presence of chronic frontal sinusitis: a computed tomographic analysis

Ostial obstruction is a primary pathophysiological mechanism contributing to sinusitis, which can be caused by anatomical variations, mucosal inflammation or both. This retrospective case series aimed to identify anatomical factors and inflammatory areas relating to chronic frontal sinusitis on nasal...

Factor favouring the need for revision FESS in chronic sinusitis with polyps – a multivariate analysis including phenotypes

Chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis is a type 2 inflammation with risks of recurrence and need for revision operations. This is known to depend on the endotype and phenotype factors. This is a retrospective study of 212 patients. Of these, 112...

ERS Complications of Acute Sinusitis

Topics: Round table discussion: Complications of acute sinusitis - by Christos Georgalas (15 mins) Round table discussion: Complications of acute sinusitis - by Isam Alobid (15 mins) Round table discussion: Complications of acute sinusitis - by Cecilia Ahlstrom-Emanuelsson (15 mins)...

Role of maxillary sinus irrigation as an adjuvant to current management of chronic rhinusitis without polyposis

Several decades have passed since irrigation of maxillary sinuses generally became a treatment of the past. A more recent concept of biofilms may have evoked new interest in this past procedure, fraught with its own issues. In this study, the...

Update on orbital complication of acute sinusitus

This study aims to illustrate the Graz experience. The study is retrospective, 53 patients with orbital complication of sinusitis were examined / confirmed by a University Hospital from 2000 to 2011. Thirty-seven underwent surgery, seven of which experienced a recurrence....