You searched for "trainee"

1274 results found

ENT In This Issue - Trainee Takeover

Jonathan Lee, ST3, MRCS, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Warwick Hospital, University Hospitals of South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, UK. ENT training has undoubtedly taken a significant hit since the COVID-19 pandemic. Crises, however, often lead to collaboration...

Audiology In This Issue - Trainee Takeover

Guest Section Editors Lizanne Steenkamp,Lecturer in Audiology, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK. Rosalyn Parker, CS MSc FBSA,Evaluation Healthcare Scientist, Northern Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, UK. The decision to become an audiology professional (i.e....

A comparison between trainee and trainer outcomes in mastoid surgery

In this era where training faces restrictions due to theatre time, fewer sessions available to trainees and requirements of consultant-led and consultant-delivered services, one unit confirmed that myringoplasties given to trainees reduced from 34.2% to 16%. This study compares outcomes...

Head and neck robotic surgery – considerations for the surgical trainee

In 2021, training in head and neck cancer surgery would be incomplete without some robotic resections under the belt. Henry Zhang explains how he did it and outlines the options available. With a wide range of applications in both benign...

Elasticated retraction in head and neck surgery – a trainee’s perspective

The effectiveness of surgical technique and satisfactory outcome is greatly dependent on good surgical exposure. Retraction requires adequate traction and counter-traction of tissues in order to expose the tissue or organ under scrutiny for the surgeon. This is a universal...

Does trainee participation in cochlear implant surgery affect operative times?

The role of surgical education is a very sensitive issue in spite of the obvious need and the obligation of doctors to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next generation. This study is very interesting as it assesses...

Trainee-led collaborative research and audit in ENT: where are we now?

In late 2015 INTEGRATE, the UK ENT Trainee Research Network, was formed. Since then, two national projects have been completed and INTEGRATE has grown into a larger, more structured organisation, with otology, head and neck and rhinology subcommittees working alongside...

Roshna Rose Paul: interview between trainee and senior surgeon

Professor Paul has been heavily involved with training and educating multiple cohorts of ENT trainees over the years, since 2010. In this article, Mr Reid (a current ENT registrar from the West Midlands) picks her brains. Prof Roshna Rose Paul....

British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme – Head of Service and trainee perspectives

For Jan/Feb 2022, we continue with the topic of the British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme. We hear from Jane Beavan, Clinical and Professional Lead for Audiology/Clinical Scientist in Audiology, and Kim-Maree Collings, Senior Audiologist, from the Countess of...

New curricula: trainees’ and trainers’ thoughts

After the disruption to training and clinical practice from COVID, it is interesting and perhaps encouraging that plans are in place to support ENT training in both mainland Europe and the UK with new formal curricula. We hear trainees’ and...