Former ENT Features – Section Editor
Former Newsround – Section Editor
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Landmark Papers in Otolaryngology
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” says Peter Rea in his foreword to this book. He is quoting Albert Einstein, of course, and also introducing this book with a delightfully...
ENT in this issue...Women in Leadership
Sujana S Chandrasekhar, MD, Past President, AAO-HNS/F; Secretary-Treasurer, American Otological Society; Consulting Editor, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America; Recipient, AAO-HNS WIO Helen Krause Trailblazer Award and AMA Physician Mentor Recognition Award. Emma Stapleton Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base...
Surgery for Cochlear and Other Auditory Implants
Make no mistake, this is a big book. Admittedly it’s not as big as Scott-Brown, which Liam Flood couldn’t carry from his office to his car without resting several times, but it’s still a whopping beast. Measuring 32cm in height...