You searched for "trainer"

1288 results found

ENT Grand Rounds

A number of virtual teaching programmes have been set up across the UK. At Guy's and St. Thomas' and the Evelina London Children's hospitals, we embarked on a similar educational initiative to encourage...

In conversation with Professor Claire Hopkins

There can be few ENT surgeons who have had such a pivotal role in the COVID pandemic as Claire Hopkins. She has been instrumental in changing the diagnostic criteria, and has been a frequent presence in the media, as Sean...

Panos Dimitriadis: my experience of the CEORL-HNS

Many of us are invited to ENT conferences throughout the year and, as a trainee, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on which ones will be suitable for our stage in training. In this article, Amir Habeeb interviews Panos...

Panos Dimitriadis: my experience of the CEORL-HNS

Many of us are invited to ENT conferences throughout the year and, as a trainee, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on which ones will be suitable for our stage in training. In this article, Amir Habeeb interviews Panos...

Aids to Voice Diagnostics

Voice related complaints are common presentations in the ENT clinic and a thorough knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology is paramount in dealing with the complexities of voice disorders. With the advent of digital technological advances, most ENT units will...

Innovative approaches to treating deafness

Shahar Taiber and Karen Avraham give us a summary of gene therapies for hearing loss, with an overview of limitations and what the future holds. Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder. The last two decades have seen a...

Nasopharyngeal versus nasal swabs for COVID-19

This systematic review from Austria compares nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) and PCR test to nasal swabs from the other nasal areas with PCR. After finding 425 articles, using PRISMA guidelines 18 were deemed suitable for comparison. Anterior nasal swabs (ANS) and...

A match made in heaven: being a good supervisor

Supervision is a core component of clinical training for all healthcare professionals. Most colleges advocate supervisors be trained in the skill of supervision, but this is not standard practice. Often supervisors rely on the skills they learn from their own...

2023 Digital EUHA Spring Conference

Save the date! The 3rd Digital EUHA Spring Conference will kick off on 31 March 2023.

Embracing the changes prompted by lockdown

March 2020 introduced the concept of lockdown to audiology services in the NHS, prompting a rethink of how to best provide hearing care. In this issue, we hear from Hanna Jeffery, a Clinical Scientist working at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital...

Update on orbital complication of acute sinusitus

This study aims to illustrate the Graz experience. The study is retrospective, 53 patients with orbital complication of sinusitis were examined / confirmed by a University Hospital from 2000 to 2011. Thirty-seven underwent surgery, seven of which experienced a recurrence....

Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Clinical Reference Guide – 5th Edition

In 11 chapters over 800 pages, Pasha and Golub have once again published an updated, popular and concise handbook sought by trainees all across the globe. Each chapter covers a range of sections from anatomy, physiology and diagnostic to new...