You searched for "BACO"

500 results found

The drive for success: from the hockey pitch to the surgical field

A hockey ball is rock hard and can travel at 100 mph. Stopping it with your most vulnerable body parts seems an excellent metaphor for higher surgical training... Four years on from the 2012 Olympics presents an ideal time to...

Anaesthesia under fire

Kate Prior is an anaesthetist who has, quite literally, been there, done that. In this article she manages to use words on a page to bring to life some of the conditions and challenges she faced as a member of...

From the editor JanFeb 2022

The start of a new year is always an opportunity to look forward with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. It is also a chance to look back at the previous 12 months and, looking back to early 2021, we were just at the dawn of the COVID vaccination programme – this had developed at an unprecedented pace, and gave us all huge cause for excitement and hope.

BAA to host World Congress of Audiology in 2028

The British Academy of Audiology is delighted to have won its bid to host the International Society of Audiology’s World Congress in 2028 (WCA2028). The 38th Congress will be hosted in Edinburgh, 23-26 April 2028.

38th World Congress of Audiology 2028

With 1,200 delegates expected to attend, it will be a perfect chance to shine the light on UK audiology, with its unique environment with the National Health Service (NHS) providing the world’s largest healthcare service that is free at the point of delivery.

Global Ambassador lands International Coordinator role at IFOS Dubai

A key supporter of ENT & Audiology News has been given a role at the world’s largest international conference for otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery.

Telepractice in Audiology

Telepractice in Audiology is a useful insight and presents information in an easy to digest format whilst still being comprehensive. The book is aimed at those who may be unfamiliar with the concept of telepractice and those who may be...

The Auditory System: Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Correlates: Second Edition

This book details the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, with well-balanced coverage of the peripheral and central nervous systems, and an emphasis on clinical applications of the scientific theory. The clinical correlates make for very interesting reading, often...

Audiology Workbook – Third Edition

The Audiology Workbook (third edition) is aimed at students completing an audiology degree. It is designed as an accompaniment to the authors’ textbook, but I feel it could be used as a standalone workbook for any student audiologist. It asks...

The telemedicine genie is out of the bottle

Delivering healthcare interventions remotely is not a new concept. The authors of this article provide a brief history dating back to the 1930s, when the International Radio Medical Centre was established to transmit medical advice to global seafarers. In the...

Patient positioning for transnasal flexible laryngoscopy

The position of a patient’s head during flexible nasendoscopy to visualise the larynx does not usually require much consideration – adequate views are almost always obtained with a patient sitting in a neutral position. Occasionally however, there will be patients...

Reviewing Meniere’s disease

This was a sizeable literature review (93 references) of not only the office-based treatments for Meniere’s disease but also the various aetiological theories regarding it. They also highlight the amended International Criteria for Meniere’s disease diagnosis (2015), comparing it against...