You searched for "Drooling"

1151 results found

Genoray: ENT CBCT solutions provider specialised in ENT diagnosis

Genoray, a leading medical and dental solutions provider and manufacturer of medical and dental X-ray systems, has launched a new series of ENT CBCT to help otolaryngologists take precise diagnostic images with specific sinus, temporal bone, airway and DR modes.

AOT ENT Education - A new initiative

AOT is to curate a national and free resource of consultant delivered teaching. So far we have edited, time-stamped (to save scrolling) and mapped to curriculum over 50 videos from national ENT education schemes from around the country, totalling...

Location, location, location: How to get the steroid where you need it, in chronic rhinosinusitis

What almost all current guidelines on chronic rhinosinusitis have in common is the importance of intranasal steroid (INCS) use. However, it is increasingly understood that the efficacy of INCS depends on their efficient delivery to the point of need, i.e....

Review: Cochlear Implantation in SSD?

Contra lateral routing of signals (CROS) using hearing aids and bone conduction devices has been the conventionally accepted modality for the treatment of single sided hearing impairment. The CROS hearing aid has been found to improve speech understanding in noise,...

How the earwig got its name

What are earwigs, and how are they connected with the ear? Amr Abdelhamid explains the etymology, myths and beliefs behind the pesky creature with the otological name. Earwigs are harmless insects of the order Dermaptera that are amongst the most...

Clinical Management of Children with Cochlear Implants - Second Edition

This substantial volume is nearly 900 pages long but definitely worth the shelf space. That said, it hasn’t actually made it to a shelf since its arrival at our department as everyone who spotted it has wanted to borrow it!...

Are imaging studies necessary in uncomplicated headaches?

Over-imaging is one of the banes of modern medicine. One may argue that in this litigious atmosphere it is safer to get an MRI done rather than not. Despite the recommendations of the American Headache Society and the American College...

Incoming RSM Presidents share their plans for the year

Section of Laryngology & RhinologyMichael Kuo – PresidentVictoria Possamai – Honorary Secretary Another academic year for the RSM beckons. The programmes that Tim Woolford and Guri Sandhu presented, culminating in the first ‘face to face’ ENT meeting this year, both...

Choosing Wisely!

This article focuses on the prickly topic of healthcare costs and specifically on reducing spending on neuroimaging for headaches. Epidemiological studies indicate that the prevalence of lifetime headaches is 93 to 99% and accounts for 1.5% of all primary care...

Linking tooth extraction and snoring

One of the more contemporaneous theories about OSA is that extraction of teeth or other orthodontic treatment during the development of the facial skeleton leads to alteration of bony growth and therefore alteration of the final result. There is evidence...

Clinicopathological features of follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma

The follicular variant (FV) of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is characterised by the presence of nuclear features of PTC together with a follicular growth pattern. It is currently reported to make up 11.8% to 53.3% of all PTC cases. It...