You searched for "FESS"

870 results found

Exploring teenagers’ access and use of assistive hearing technology

Children require good signal-to-noise ratios for optimum listening and learning. The use of remote microphone technology can be of benefit, yet older children often resist using it. Jennifer Groth reviews the challenges facing older children in the use of remote...

Young Consultant Otolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons at BACO 2015: symposium on the future of ENT

What does the future hold for ENT surgeons in the UK? Leaders of our specialty aim to provide insight based on current guidance and personal experience. The programme will be of interest to anyone wishing to gain an insight into...

Wilde and the foundations of medical epidemiology

William Wilde (father of Oscar) was renowned as an otologist, but less well known for his work in epidemiology. The bedrock of the modern discipline of public health is good data collection, and we hear from our good friend, Ray...

An undergraduate perspective on changes to audiology education

I have completed two years of study and am currently preparing for my final year, which consists of a twenty-five week placement alongside a research project and theoretical modules. It is inevitable that, as a result of the changes made...

Don’t be too apologetic: disclosing communication difficulties

People who stutter are frequently considered less intelligent or less confident, and are often discriminated against. These negative perceptions have been found to differ slightly across different cultural groups. For Hebrew speakers in Israel, having a stutter can have a...

Implications of tonsillectomy in very young children

This is a comprehensive study comprising 157 children who underwent tonsillectomy below the age of two years, mainly for sleep-disordered breathing (86.6%) and recurrent tonsillitis (7%). With relatively recent understanding of OSAS, the indications for tonsillectomy in children under two...

Nasal disease and quality of life in athletes

Rhinitis is a nasal condition which is generally underappreciated in primary care and even less in athletes. In this study, the authors specify nasal symptoms constituting rhinitis as nasal blockage, sneezing bouts, rhinorrhoea and itching and compare their prevalence in...

How the world sees facial palsy patients

This paper from Australia gives an insightful perspective on the impact of facial paralysis on patients, and may explain the well-documented poor quality of life scores in this patient group, particularly those ‘successfully reconstructed’ with surgery. It explores how the...

Focus on ENT trainees with additional qualifications

In this Trainee Matters, we focus on ENT trainees with additional qualifications. Eight accomplished trainees tell Emma Stapleton how their achievements have benefitted them both professionally and personally. Their professional achievements have included a National Training Number in ENT, presentations,...

The business of audiology: unbundling

Many professions, such as law, accounting, engineering and some areas of healthcare charge hourly rates in a fee-for-service model. Administratively, this can be a challenge to track hours, bill clients/patients, and collect payment, but this does lend toward greater transparency...

TORS for patients with sleep-disordered breathing

Transoral robotic surgery is now a well-accepted technique in malignant tumours of the tongue base. Here the team from St Mary’s and the Royal National Throat Nose & Ear Hospital in London describe its use in carefully selected patients with...

Is surgery in obese children with obstructive sleep apnoea effective?

The authors present the results of their literature review and meta-analysis of studies examining adenotonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), supraglottoplasty, tongue base surgery or a combination in obese children with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The one study investigating effects of UPPP was...