You searched for "OSA"

476 results found

Auditory Electrophysiology

It is a delight to read a new publication in this area. The editors have focused on the most commonly currently used auditory electrophysiological tests and included discussion and information on their various uses. The price is typical of what...

Basic Audiometry Learning Manual - Second Edition

The challenge of teaching students pure tone audiometry is that whilst core principles can be delivered in the classroom, a deeper understanding of audiological testing only arises from practice. Yet, if left unguided in this practice, trainee audiologists can fail...

Audiology Workbook – Third Edition

The Audiology Workbook (third edition) is aimed at students completing an audiology degree. It is designed as an accompaniment to the authors’ textbook, but I feel it could be used as a standalone workbook for any student audiologist. It asks...

Hidden genetic disorders in children that may present to the otolaryngologist

Background Among the many hundreds of children presenting to the otolaryngology clinic are a few whose symptoms are due to an underlying genetic condition. In most cases the underlying syndrome is obvious and has already been diagnosed, such as the...

Coblation tongue channelling

After uvulopalatoplasty, the tendency is to focus on the tongue base as the next anatomical area to address in the management of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing. In this article, Glen Burgess describes the technique of tongue channelling, to reduce the...

Tonsillectomy in adolescents

Tonsillectomy is one of the most common operations performed across the developed world. Salil Sood and Ray Clarke discuss the special considerations that apply when performing this procedure on adolescent patients. Tonsillitis in teenagers can be exceptionally painful and disruptive....

Which patients are more likely to have postoperative pulmonary complications after major head and neck?

Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) following major head and neck surgery are frequently encountered. Indeed, surgery in the head and neck area itself has been identified as a risk factor for these complications. Microvascular reconstruction is a widely accepted and proven...

ESSD 2023 13th Annual Congress

Emilien Chabrillac, MD, PhD student, specialising in head and neck cancer surgery and oncorehabilitation, Cancer University Institute of Toulouse Oncopole. The recent congress of the European Society for Swallowing Disorders was a remarkable gathering that brought together an array of...

The future of rhinology: What will come first, a radical change in rhinological management or the decimation of the world?

In this article, Simon Gane looks forward to what the future holds, on the presumption he survives. Setting aside the questions of the UK even existing, the NHS still working, or the fact we’ll be commuting to our jobs in...

The Twilight Lectures 2022 by CYPAC - Lecture 2

The Twilight Lectures 2022: Virtual Paediatric Audiology Lectures The Children’s and Young People’s Audiology Centre (CYPAC) are excited to bring back The Twilight Lectures, an exciting series of live virtual presentations, covering emerging developments in the field of Paediatric Audiology....

Information for vestibular professionals and patients

The Ménière’s Society is a registered charity dedicated solely to supporting people affected by vestibular disorders.

Music is noise

Marshall Chasin recaps what we know acoustically about music and noise, and discusses the potentially damaging levels of music, how temporary threshold shift (TTS) is not necessarily temporary and gives us some considerations for protective devices for musicians. Most of...