You searched for "Rhinoplasty"

554 results found

Neurological complications associated with managing degenerative cervical myelopathy

Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is a common neuropathologic status due to degenerative changes to the cervical spine. There are multiple operative techniques available, including anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, anterior cervical corpectomy, laminoplasty, laminectomy and laminectomy with fusion. C5 palsy...

An overview of cranioplasty

This article provides a summary of the indications, materials and current techniques available in cranioplasty. Cranioplasty is performed to restore the normal architecture of the skull following craniectomy for many reasons including intracranial infection, trauma and neoplasm. The timing of...

Training in Facial Plastic Surgery in the UK

Following the Keogh report earlier this year into the quality of cosmetic surgery in the UK, surgical training in cosmetic surgery is high on the agenda. A Cosmetic Surgery Interspecialty Committee at the Royal College of Surgeons is currently discussing...

In conversation with Cameron McIntosh

Following the conclusion of the Tokyo Olympic games in August, we were delighted to catch up with Cameron McIntosh, ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon, Founding President of the Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons of South Africa (SORSSA), and former Olympian! Can...

Bilateral medialisation thyroplasty for presbylaryngis

This retrospective case series explores the voice outcomes for 21 patients diagnosed with presbylaryngis who underwent bilateral medialisation thyroplasty at a university medical centre in Portland, Oregon, USA. Silastic was implanted in 17 patients; hydroxyapatite in four. Significant improvements were...

Endoscopic myringoplasty: a promising alternative to microscopic surgery

Endoscopes have revolutionised otitis media surgery in recent years and are increasingly used in the surgical management of cholesteatoma, sinus tympani pathology and facial nerve surgery. Despite this, the development of endoscopic myringoplasty and how this compares to its microscopic...

For how long is post-pinnaplasty head bandage really necessary?

It is customary to put on a head bandage after pinnaplasty and the general consensus is that it should remain on for about a week to prevent haematoma and splint the reshaped pinna in place. In this review article, the...

Techniques in Facial Plastic Surgery: Discussion and Debate part 2

This edition of this popular journal is dedicated to ‘panel discussion’ on some of the most common controversies associated with ‘bread and butter’ facial aesthetic procedures. The procedures included are relevant and the aspects discussed are of practical importance to...

Nasal dermoids

This article goes through the fairly specific and unique condition of paediatric midline nasal dermoids. It goes through the epidemiology and then the embryology, reminding the reader that a protrusion of dura extends from the anterior cranial fossa through the...

Can SNOT-22 predict the need for surgery?

In this prospective Belgian study, the authors looked at whether the baseline Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-22 (SNOT-22) was able to predict the need for surgery and localise the pathology of rhinology patients and healthy volunteers. A total of 66 healthy volunteers...

Why do septoplasties fail?

If you are amongst the ones who wonder what keeps your patient blocked in spite of a reasonable septoplasty, it will be worth your time going through the chapter on nasal valve management. The concise table detailing the surgical techniques...

Congratulations on being elected BRS President

Mr Raj Bhalla has been elected next President of the British Rhinological Society following a recent vote by the membership. He works as a Consultant Rhinologist at both Manchester Royal Infirmary and Salford Royal Hospital. He will take up...