You searched for "Rhinosinusitis"

193 results found

Role of intranasal steroids after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Rhinosinusitis often follows radiotherapy in the treatment of carcinoma of the nasopharynx. The interval and severity may vary with the dose of radiation and stage of the carcinoma. In this randomised, controlled study, patients who developed rhinosinusitis after radiotherapy treatment...

Lower respiratory involvement in allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis

The recent ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) project has generated interest in simultaneous involvement of the lower respiratory airway in cases of chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis. This study takes into account the extent of pulmonary function...

Use of topical steroids and antibiotics, compared to systemic antibiotics in the treatment of acute rhinusinusitis

Acute rhinusinusitis is mainly initiated by viral infections. Bacterial infection is usually superadded. The inflammatory cascade upregulates the pro-inflammatory mediators resulting in pain, nasal obstruction and nasal discharge. Local application of steroids and antibiotics could provide a higher concentration of...

Does minimally invasive surgery under local anaesthesia have a role in the management of chronic rhinusinusitis?

A formal FESS procedure usually done under local anaesthesia is considered as gold standard in the management of chronic rhinusinusitis. However, success is hampered by a significant recurrence rate of polyps requiring revision surgery, long waiting lists, reluctance of elderly...

Can ‘cone beam CT scan’ (CBCT) facilitate one-stop rhinology clinic?

Chronic rhinusinusitis can be diagnosed on the basis of its classical symptoms such as nasal obstruction, facial pains, postnasal drip and hyposmia, supported by endoscopic findings such as oedema of middle meatus, mucopus and polyps. However, CT scan findings are...

Quality of life outcomes in paediatric endoscopic sinus surgery

This prospective cohort study evaluated chronic rhinosinusitis patients aged 5-18 years undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery in terms of quality of life. General and chronic rhinosinusitis surveys were completed by the parents and the child pre-ESS and at 30-90 days post-operatively....

Is wine blocking your nose?

Salicylates are commonly found in a wide variety of foods, such as unripe fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and spices. They play a role in growth and development of plants, photosynthesis, transpiration, ion uptake and transport. Non-steroidal exacerbated respiratory disease (N-ERD)...