You searched for "adult"

817 results found

RadCases Head and Neck Imaging

This is one of a series of books published by Thieme which are written for trainees in radiology. The depth and breadth would suit a higher-level trainee with an interest in head and neck imaging coming up to exit examinations...

Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Practitioner’s Guide

Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Practitioner’s Guide is an informative and comprehensive guide to differential diagnosis, assessment and management of communication and swallowing disorders in the medical setting, which includes consideration of adult patients from early diagnosis to end of life....

Balloon dilatation is an effective adjunct

This is a good study design, sufficiently powered, comparing medical management to balloon sinus dilatation. All patients had failed medical management and were thoroughly assessed preoperatively with Lund-Mackay score confirming abnormal CT findings, SNOT 20 index score, chronic sinusitis score...

Development and review of a blended service in response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has required healthcare services globally to show both resilience and ingenuity in redesigning services to meet the ever-changing needs of our patients. We hear about the redevelopment of clinical pathways within an hearing implant service, and the...

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation Serving Children and Adults with Hearing Loss - Third Edition

As the name indicates, this book deals with the bread and butter of audiologists or at least what should be our bread and butter. We work with changing people in changing environments, therefore, along with an acute understanding of technology,...

Audiological evaluation and management of teenagers with tinnitus

There is a growing interest in investigating, understanding and managing tinnitus in children and adolescents, with several articles on the subject published in journals over the last year. Brian Fligor describes the approaches to consider when discussing tinnitus with teenagers....

Plasticity with cochlear implants: individual factors in the outcomes

Andrej Kral gives us an overview of neuronal plasticity in congenital hearing loss, and discusses why it is core to our clinical interventions in hearing loss and rehabilitation. The brain is born immature and undergoes extensive shaping during early development....

The snotty child?

This article is interesting for those of us who see children regularly in secondary care but rarely see them with chronic rhinosinusitis. The authors remind the reader of the EPOS guidelines for diagnosis of CRS in children: two or more...

Be sober to stay on your feet

Readers would either have had a personal experience or observed the inelegant gait of the inebriated. Re-aligning the body during postural perturbations involves changes in head position, shoulders, and hip, knee and ankle joints. The main hypothesis of this study...

When patient choice stands in the way of patient-centredness

In the field of hearing care, there is increasing focus on ensuring patient autonomy and choice. Greater participation in decision making is supposed to result in better patient satisfaction. A study conducted in ENT and audiology clinics paradoxically suggests that...

Audiology in this issue...Multidisciplinary Teams

Marsha Jenkins, BSc Hons, MSc, Principal Clinical Scientist (Audiology), St Thomas’ Paediatric Hearing Implant Centre, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust E: Twitter: @GSTTnhs I am delighted to guest edit this collaboration of various clinical MDTs from...

The future of audiology rehabilitation? Smartphone apps to collect real-world experiences and support clinical decision-making

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is gaining momentum in the world of connected hearing healthcare and real-world assessment. Barbra Timmer explains how EMA will play a key role in transforming the information that clinicians use in decision-making and measuring outcomes. Did...