You searched for "aetiology"

2188 results found

Assessment of viral aetiology in the formation of nasal polyps

The exact aetiology of nasal polyposis is not yet established although it is believed that allergic, infectious, mechanical, immunological and biochemical factors may be involved. Using the technique of polymerase chain reaction, this study assesses the role of human adenovirus,...

Does head trauma as aetiology of deafness affect the outcomes of cochlear implantation?

Head trauma associated with temporal bone fractures is a well known aetiological factor for deafness. The literature assessing the outcomes of cochlear implantation in such cases is rather limited. In this paper, the authors compared the performance of implantees with...

Aetiology, investigation and acute management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss

The cause of a single sided sensorineural hearing loss has a wide variety of aetiologies. This review, by Edwin Halliday, looks specifically at the differential diagnostic causes of a sudden sensorineural hearing loss, the relevant investigations and the management should...

What characterises dysphagia in unilateral vocal fold impairment?

The closure of the vocal folds during swallowing is known to contribute to airway protection along with epiglottic inversion and closure of the false vocal folds. It is therefore plausible to expect that unilateral vocal fold impairment without complete closure...

Paper patching for aural fullness

This Belgian prospective study reported on the effect of paper patching on aural fullness of unknown aetiology. It looked at 22 patients who complained of aural fullness without any middle ear pathology. The patients were divided into a treatment group...

A Dictionary of Hearing

This book is aimed at students and professionals working in the fields of otology and audiology. It would be suitable for audiologists, nurses and doctors, teachers of the deaf and speech and language therapists. The price is set at £36.99,...

What’s new in genetic testing for hearing impairment?

Often the first question following the diagnosis of a hearing loss is ‘why?’ In this article Ali Danesh explores the advances made in uncovering ‘why’ from a genetics perspective. Ali describes the panel of genetic tests now commercially available to...

Developmental language disorder

Disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and developmental dyslexia have received widespread recognition. As a result, children affected by these conditions are able to receive remedial services. In this article, the author discusses the possible reasons...

Social representation of hearing loss in different countries

The social representation of different phenomena has generated strong interest among researchers recently. The social representation of ‘hearing loss’ is different in different countries such as India, Iran, Portugal, and the UK, as was evidenced in previous research. This study...

Pathways for becoming an audiologist in the USA Part 1: the early years

Part 2 of this topic is available here. The Doctor of Audiology degree is required for clinical practice in the USA. In part one of a two-part series, Professor Hall reviews the evolution of academic credentialing for American audiologists, beginning...

The evidence for various treatments of autoimmune ear disease

The difficulty with this disease entity is that it is a heterogeneous group of conditions affecting the ear and a widely accepted diagnostic criteria does not exist. It is therefore difficult to conduct a well controlled trial and this systematic...

Genetic testing in congenital hearing loss

Advances in genetic testing over the last decade have reduced the cost and time such testing required and increased understanding of the genes involved in conditions like congenital hearing loss. This study from Atlanta looks at genetic testing from a...