You searched for "bacteria"

670 results found

Friendly bacteria in the ear nose and throat to combat the bad…

The author presents a thorough review of bacterial interference and the studies that have been conducted in common ENT conditions. The simple concept is that a strong population of normal flora will interfere with colonisation and subsequent infection by pathogenic...

Microbiome changes after endoscopic sinus surgery: all is not what it seems

As we keep fighting a losing battle with bacteria and antibiotics, it becomes clear that it is not about killing bacteria, not even diminishing the bacterial load, but rather about shifting the different types of bacteria that colonise and live...

Consider PCR testing in culture negative necrotising otitis externa

Necrotising otitis externa (NOE) often does not yield identification of a causative organism to treat although in 90% of cases it is a member of the pseudomonas species. The incidence of fungal NOE is not to be forgotten and this...

Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of refractory chronic rhinosinusitis

Staphylococcus aureus has long been linked to chronic rhinosinusitis, particularly recalcitrant cases. In this article, Alkis Psaltis describes how newer techniques have shown higher rates of S. aureus infection than were previously thought, and explains how the bacteria are able...

Those little friends in our noses

Human microbiota plays an important role in both health and disease including metabolism, immunomodulation, and a potential role in chronic inflammatory conditions such as chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The authors aimed to investigate the sinonasal microbiome using 16S rRNA gene sequencing...

Biofilms in Otitis

If you haven’t already heard of biofilms, this book will tell you that they are multicellular networks of bacteria encased in a matrix, a complex multidimensional biologic fortress that protects bacteria against changes in the environment, host immune responses and...

CSOM in Mwanza, Tanzania

This is a prospective, cross-sectional study involving 301 patients consisting of farmers, students and employed professionals attending an ENT clinic in Mwanza, Tanzania. Of the 301 patients, 13 were HIV positive; 37.9% had some degree of conductive / sensorineural /...

Aerosols and polypi

Infection in the operative cavities after endoscopic sinus surgery for sinonasal polyposis leads to recurrence of symptoms and mucopurulent discharge. The usual therapies include systemic antibiotics sometimes with steroids. The authors hypothesised that the use of a topical antimicrobial (tobramycin...

Are biofilms present in deep neck abscesses?

Why are some cervical abscesses resistant to antibiotic treatment? The authors postulate that a biofilm develops to allow the bacteria to overcome normal host defences. They investigated the micro-environment of deep neck abscesses in a largely paediatric cohort. Biopsies of...

Industry update: rechargeable hearing aid batteries

They may be similar in size to a watch battery, but there is a drastic difference between the frequency with which hearing aid batteries need to be changed compared to the simple watch battery. Unlike a watch battery, which may...

Cystic fibrosis – sinus surgery delays chronic Gram-negative lung infection

This prospective clinical follow-up study is of 106 patients with cystic fibrosis in Copenhagen. Morbidity and mortality in CF are significantly associated with pulmonary colonisation and infection, usually with Gram-negative bacteria. Initially this can be well treated with antibiotics until...

McIsaac scores in tonsillitis

Acute tonsillitis is usually caused by a viral infection, however often antibiotics are prescribed without a confirmed diagnosis of a bacterial infection. The Modified Centor (McIsaac) criteria, which include fever (>38°c), tonsillar exudate, no cough, anterior cervical lymphadenitis and age,...