You searched for "cranial"

2077 results found

Skull Base Cancer Imaging: The Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

This book was written to enhance knowledge of imaging, diagnosis, and treatment planning in skull base pathologies. It is broadly divided into anterior cranial fossae, nasal cavity, sellar and clival region, and CP angle. It is written in a manner...

The medially-invasive cholesteatoma: a case series

In this small case series, Casazza et al describe their management of seven cases of complex cholesteatoma presenting during a 16-year period. Patients were included if imaging confirmed restricted diffusion and an endophytic, medially-destructive disease involving the otic capsule, petrous...

Anterolateral thigh cutaneous flap or radial forearm free flap for tongue defect reconstruction?

Free flap reconstruction is the gold standard in tongue reconstruction, aiming to restore function such as swallowing, cosmesis and speech. The anterolateral thigh cutaneous flap and the radial forearm free flap are among the most popular free flaps used for...

Imaging in hyperparathyroidism

Following their caudal migration at eight weeks of development, the parathyroid glands normally locate posterolaterally to the upper pole of the thyroid gland at the level of the cricoid cartilage (superior parathyroid glands arising from the fourth branchial pouch and...

Comprehensive Management of Skull Base Tumors – Second Edition

This is the second edition of a multi-author textbook first published over a decade ago. Most of the chapter authors are North American, as are the editors themselves. There is also a smattering of well-known contributors from the rest of...

Carotid paragangliomas and their management

Paragangliomas in the head and neck are most frequently associated with the carotid artery, classically at its bifurcation and splaying the internal and external vessels. Despite their commonality at this site, large studies of these rare tumours are still lacking...

The mark of the head and neck surgeon

Like Zorro, the head and neck surgeon leaves their mark. No more so than during parotid surgery. Various modifications have been put forward modifying the classic Blair incision. This latest modification camouflages the pre-tragal scar by running it on to...

How should I excise sinonasal tumours, open or endoscopic? En bloc or piecemeal?

Sinonasal tumours often present late because initial symptoms mimic benign disease. They tend to produce more unilateral nasal symptoms, and patients with advance disease often describe paraesthesia and other cranial neuropathies. They only account for approximately 3% of upper aerodigestive...

Bone bridge conduction device for patients with bilateral microtia-atresia.

Management of microtia-atresia requires a multidisciplinary approach. Children normally require bone conduction hearing aid devices very early in life to improve and facilitate speech and language development. At a later stage, when the cranial bones have strengthened and become thicker,...

Deep space neck infections and their management

This article explores the approach to managing patients with deep space neck infections. Clearly, an understanding of the fascial planes within the neck is required which then provides an understanding of the route of spread in these cases. The authors...

Managing the thyroglossal duct cyst

Although the operation to remove thyroglossal cysts and their tracts is commonly performed, a full understanding of the possible anatomical locations of the tracts may be less appreciated. This article helps the reader understand the possible variations available which should...

Endoscopic Approaches to the Parsanasal Sinuses and Skull Base

This is an excellent book to cover the endoscopic approaches to the paranasal sinuses and skull base with a step-by-step anatomic dissection guide. The editors are a group of eminent skull base otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons in Barcelona, Spain, and they...