Molecular and genetic nature of skull base tumours drives management

This article reviews the molecular basis and paradigm shift in the diagnosis and management of skull base tumours. It is now known that the phenotype of meningiomas is influenced by their genotype. Endolymphatic sac tumours are observed in up to...

Lateral skull base surgery using the endoscope

Endoscopic lateral skull base surgery could be performed via less invasive techniques due to wide panoramic visualisation of the operative field. With less invasive techniques, patients have been shown to require shorter recovery time and reduced postoperative pain. In this...

Carotid paragangliomas and their management

Paragangliomas in the head and neck are most frequently associated with the carotid artery, classically at its bifurcation and splaying the internal and external vessels. Despite their commonality at this site, large studies of these rare tumours are still lacking...

Imaging and embolisation of paragangliomas

Paragangliomas are rare tumours within the head and neck and any article which succinctly jogs the memory with respect to their existence and subsequent accurate diagnosis is welcome. This article concisely explains the imaging techniques used to diagnose these tumours...