You searched for "fold"

899 results found

How will our grandchildren view COVID-19?

Alan Johnson, known to our readers as the former President of ENT UK, gives us his thoughts on the COVID pandemic, looking at it through the lens of other health crises. As I write, COVID-19 is displacing almost all other...

DP Medical brings groundbreaking non-occlusive airway dilation balloon to UK market

Leading healthcare supplies company, DP Medical Systems Ltd, is bringing a groundbreaking, non-occlusive airway dilation balloon to the UK market.

How can we understand autism and autistic children better?

Andrew Whitehouse draws on his years of experience working with neurodiverse people to give a fantastic insight into the world of autism, as well as suggesting some simple strategies clinicians can use to improve communication with autistic people. How can...

Airway stenting in paediatric ENT

Although experience in the use of airway stents in adults is considerable, their use in children is more recent and more limited. Cláudia Schweiger and Michael J Rutter provide an overview of stents and their use in paediatric airway. Stenting...

Pinnaplasty for prominent ears

Pinnaplasty is a challenging yet rewarding procedure for which many different techniques have been described. In this article the authors describe their favoured technique, including the important postoperative care. Prominent ears can be a source of significant psychological distress in...

Old age is hard to swallow

This article takes us through the diagnosis and management of swallowing problems common in older age. As our global population continues to grow and live longer, dysphagia will continue to be a global problem which needs to be recognised, understood...

Stroboscopy and High-Speed Imaging of the Vocal Function – Second Edition

When I was asked to review this book, I was really looking forward to receiving it and eagerly awaited the postman on a daily basis until it arrived. Needless to say, it did not disappoint. The author, Peak Woo, is...

Endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis in neonates

We are delighted to publish a further update on the use of the technique for vocal fold lateralisation in neonates from Laszlo Rovo and Shahram Madani, who have previously informed us of this new technique [1]. These cases are rare...

Soluvos Medical wishes everyone a healthy year-end!

Although COVID-19 still has a deep impact on everybody’s lives, the team at Soluvos Medical would like to share some positive news about the company.

Soluvos Medical wishes readers a joyful 2021!

The team at Soluvos Medical is hoping that 2021 will bring social life, travels and meetings back to normal and that they can finally meet readers again at one of the scheduled meetings in the first quarter of 2021.

Soluvos Medical brings laryngology products to their customers!

Soluvos Medical is still hoping that 2021 will bring social life, travels and meetings back to normal and that they can finally meet readers again at one of the yet-to-be-scheduled meetings later in the year.

Soluvos Medical is a corporate sponsor of the ELS

Everyone had hoped to see each other in person at the postponed 2020 ELS in Berlin. Instead, everyone will meet at the: Virtual European Laryngological Society meeting on 28th May 2021