You searched for "healthcare"

615 results found

Leadership in healthcare

There is often a great deal of confusion over the words ‘management’ and ‘leadership’. Sometimes they are used interchangeably. Sometimes they are used to represent opposite ends of a spectrum. Sometimes both are used as collective nouns, or to describe an activity.

Connecting healthcare

In recent years, there has been a definite shift toward the acceptance and use of smartphone technology in the delivery of healthcare. Within the fields of ENT and audiology, there is considerable appeal in the portability, simplicity, affordability, and connectivity...

Healthcare economics and device approvals

We use several FDA-approved devices in our clinical practice but are rarely aware about the stringent procedures followed by manufacturers, as well as the FDA, before the devices become commercially available. The authors of this paper undertook a comprehensive review...

Making healthcare conferences green

Who knew our healthcare conference industry contributed so much to global carbon emissions? This article summarises means to reduce the impact such that we can continue to meet with our peers for educational meetings and networking, but in a sustainable...

Hearing healthcare in India

With a population of more than a billion people, and an estimated prevalence of hearing loss of somewhere between 5.9% and 16.5%, depending on which definition you use, India has a significant number of hearing impaired individuals. They are served...

A guide to managing atypical communication in healthcare

This book provides the background theory as well as practical tips for communicating with different patient populations and varying conditions. Published in 2023, it is a recent book with a great deal of research and practice guidance embedded from various...

Implicit bias in audiology and wider healthcare

What is implicit bias and how might it affect patient outcomes in hearing healthcare? Yovina Khiroya provides insight into the terminology and the effect on people and service delivery. As much as possible within healthcare, we try to reduce implicit...

Hydrogen peroxide and its uses in healthcare

This is an interesting review about the origin and uses of hydrogen peroxide, especially in neurosurgery. However, its uses are ubiquitous and applicable to several medical specialties. When hydrogen peroxide was first discovered in 1818 by Louis Thenard, it had...

Privacy and security in connected hearing healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced audiology services across the globe to find new ways of working. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the uptake of remote care and, with it, some new privacy and security considerations. Connected hearing...

Introduction to virtual healthcare job interviews

What’s the best way to run a video job interview? Matthew Wu and Elliott Kozin provide some top tips – both for interviewer and interviewee. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed almost every aspect of society. For the foreseeable future,...

Are individuals with vestibular vertigo accessing healthcare more frequently?

Vestibular vertigo is estimated to have an adult lifetime prevalence of 7.4%. Vestibular dysfunction has been linked to physical, cognitive, and psychiatric impairments. There is, therefore, a large economic burden and healthcare usage. Patients with vestibular vertigo are more likely...

Promotion of trust with adult hearing impairment in hearing healthcare

The goal of this study was to assess how trust is promoted among adult hearing impaired patients seeking hearing healthcare. Previous interview transcript data collected from 29 adults across hearing health care centres in four countries was re-analysed thematically in...