This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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A guide to managing atypical communication in healthcare

This book provides the background theory as well as practical tips for communicating with different patient populations and varying conditions. Published in 2023, it is a recent book with a great deal of research and practice guidance embedded from various...

Basic Audiometry Learning Manual - Third Edition

Unfamiliar with the first and second editions, it was a pleasure to review the third edition of the Basic Audiometry Learning Manual. As with many of such books available to the market, and as one would expect, there is a...

Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and Pacific Islander Ear Care Manual

I was delighted to review this manual, having had the previous privilege of joining its lead author, Professor Harvey Coates, in one of his indigenous ear health clinics just outside Perth, Western Australia. Prof Coates has worked with a broad...

Hearing Science Fundamentals – Second Edition

The second edition of Hearing Science Fundamentals is a simply and clearly written introductory text, ideal for students beginning their training. It covers topics ranging from anatomy and physiology to auditory perception. This edition includes nine new chapters in addition...

Auditory Brainstem Implants

This is a hardcover volume printed on a high-quality paper. The book is broken into 20 short chapters over 145 pages. It is illustrated with 149 figures. Edited by Eric P Wilkinson and Marc S Schwartz, both based in the...

Audiology: Science to Practice – Fourth Edition

Kramer and Brown have done it again with their fourth edition of Audiology: Science to Practice. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to audiology with both clinical and practical information. This book is mainly aimed at those who are studying...

Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potentials: Clinical and Research Applications

This book is aimed at and will be most useful for students first learning about ABR or researchers/clinicians looking for in-depth explanations on the anatomical sites of generation for the differing auditory brainstem evoked potentials. It is, however, I would...

Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology – Third Edition

This resource is useful for students and professionals in the audiology field. It is an updated collection of over 7000 defined audiology terms and includes clear, concise figures and a glossary of abbreviations and audiometric symbols. It seems to be...

Hearing: An Introduction & Practical Guide

Hearing: An Introduction & Practical Guide presents a concise overview of the anatomy, physiology, and assessment methods of hearing. It then goes on to delineate and explore the most common pathologies, disorders and management approaches related to hearing impairment. This...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus

I was sceptical when I read that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus was aimed at both clinicians and people with tinnitus. All too often, books intended for such a wide readership end up being too academic to appeal to patients...

Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists: a Guide to Modern Rehabilitative Audiology

This is a book of two parts. The first six chapters are not pitched at speech language pathologists (SLP), at least not for those in typical practice in the UK. This section of the book is appropriate to experienced audiologists...

Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History

A dual approach from the author, who shares her personal experience of growing up with hearing loss accompanied by her knowledge and passion of medical history, allows the reader to embark on a journey of hearing loss through time. The...