You searched for "hearing rehabilitation"

8 results found

Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation

This book is Vol. 81 of a series - Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - of which there are three current volumes: Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis, Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, and Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation. A fourth volume on Vestibular Disorders is imminent....

Hearing rehabilitation for patients with chronic otitis media

Chronic otitis media (COM) commonly causes associated hearing loss. The authors performed a review of the literature, discussed challenges of restoring hearing in patients with COM and potential future work in reporting results both in terms of hearing outcomes and...

Global hearing rehabilitation – an SFORL/IFOS collaboration

International collaboration is more important than ever, and we hear from Prof Bernard Fraysse about a collaboration that grew out of the very successful IFOS meeting in Paris in 2017. The IFOS meeting in Paris in June 2017 was obviously...

Hearing rehabilitation after vestibular schwannoma surgery

Hearing rehabilitation is a key focus of the management of patients with vestibular schwannoma. But how do we rehabilitate hearing when the cochlear nerve has been damaged by tumour, irradiation, or resective surgery? Mathieu Trudel, Scott Rutherford and Simon Lloyd...

Empowering hearing rehabilitation professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia

The Hearing Healthcare Alliance empowers professionals across Africa and Asia through comprehensive training programmes, improving local hearing rehabilitation services. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 430 million people worldwide require rehabilitation for disabling hearing loss [1]. This number...

From trauma to recovery: treatment at Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre

This year (2014) is the centenary year of the beginning of the Great War. This conflict brought with it a cluster of emotional disorders that were called at the time, Shell-Shock. The present conflict in Afghanistan has been talked of...

Assessing dizziness-related quality of life in the paediatric population

In this article, Devin McCaslin and Gary Jacobson share their experience of assessing dizziness-related quality of life in paediatric patients, and demonstrate that the involvement of care-givers is vital in ensuring the most appropriate assessment and treatment for this particular...

Family-centred early intervention: supporting a call to action

Family-centred care for young children is a commonly used but frequently under-appreciated approach in audiology. Prof Moodie discusses how we can take positive action to improve our approach to families in ways that make a meaningful difference in their lives....