You searched for "innovation"

2182 results found

Entrepreneurial aspirations for the otolaryngologist

Entrepreneurship is a process of identifying an idea and starting a business venture with this idea. It requires generation of a business model or plan that emphasises the value proposition for the customer. The model must identify the partners, resources,...

ESPO 2025

ESPO 2025: 17th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyESPO 2025 in Stuttgart promises to be an exciting get-together. Every aspect of paediatric ORL will be covered in what has become the largest global gathering in the subspecialty. Looking...

The Laryngeal Pacemaker – developing an innovative solution for bilateral vocal fold paralysis

Bilateral vocal fold paralysis is a difficult condition to manage, with surgical interventions previously limited to tracheostomy or arytenoidectomy. Re-innervation surgery has been developed and, in recent years, a Laryngeal Pacemaker is now in clinical trials. We speak to two...

The Laryngeal Pacemaker – developing an innovative solution for bilateral vocal fold paralysis

Bilateral vocal fold paralysis is a difficult condition to manage, with surgical interventions previously limited to tracheostomy or arytenoidectomy. Re-innervation surgery has been developed and, in recent years, a Laryngeal Pacemaker is now in clinical trials. We speak to two...

Back to the Future

Normally my objective for this column is to highlight an innovation that is already fully realised and on the market. Sometimes it can be fun instead to look forward to what innovations are coming down the pipeline. With that in...

Impact of medical NGOs and a new collaborative approach: the case of Guinea with Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships (MS) is a global Christian charity that follows the 2000-year-old model of Jesus to bring hope and healing to those suffering from disability, disfigurement, and disease. This article by Professor Diallo and Drs Ugai and Conde, details a...

6th Vertigo Academy International Meeting

Organised under the auspices of the International Vestibular Association, this distinguished gathering serves as a forum for the exchange of cutting-edge research, clinical advancements and interdisciplinary collaboration among global experts. Vertigo Academy International Meetings is a scientific organisation of the...

Using the Ling-Madell-Hewitt (LMH) Test Battery

Why change a classic? Because of new knowledge and improved technology, of course! Drs Hewitt and Madell present an update to Daniel Ling’s classic speech test. One of Daniel Ling’s legacies is the Ling Six Sound Test which presents six...

Advances in ear and hearing telehealth

Telehealth in ear (or tele-otology/tele-audiology) and hearing care has steadily increased as an area of both research and clinical interest over the past 15 years [1]. Driven by rapid advances in connected technologies and wide-ranging potential use cases, telehealth had...

A.R.C. Laser launches next generation TruBlue Laser technology

Surgeons worldwide know about the beneficial characteristics of a TruBlue laser for their everyday routine in ENT application.

Automated contouring of costal cartilage for pinna reconstruction – a proof of concept

Presently there are limited applications of automation within operative ENT. This proof-of-concept study explores the use of an augmented robot to contour cadaveric costal cartilage for auricular reconstruction. Ordinarily this task is performed manually. This takes considerable time due to...

Developing principles of swallow rehabilitation using novel animal modelling

Never let it be said that we don’t cover a wide range of topics. Camilla Dawson tells us about the crossover between swallowing in seals and in humans. Rehabilitation of swallow is complex, informed by anatomical and physiological systems and...