This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
Authors who would like their books reviewed in this section or publishers interested in having their books reviewed should contact Francesca McCabe by email on
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Tinnitus and Sound Sensitivity Case Book

This book, as the title suggests, is full of case studies written by health wprofessionals involving patients who are experiencing tinnitus and/or sound sensitivity. There are 29 different case studies spanning both adults and paediatrics (though mainly adults). Each case...

From Listening to Language: Comprehensive Intervention to Maximise Learning for Children and Adults with Hearing Loss

How does one build a two-storey house? Start with a firm foundation, followed by a strong structure. Only then can the floors and attic be added. Madell and Hewitt provide practitioners with this same blueprint to facilitate optimal outcomes for...

Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults and Their Family Members – Sixth Edition

This book provides a plethora of information relating to aural rehabilitation. The author has taken a multi-faceted approach, combining firm evidence-based perspectives with an evaluation of the scientific foundations of current clinical practises. This book is mainly aimed at those...

Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and Pacific Islander Ear Care Manual

I was delighted to review this manual, having had the previous privilege of joining its lead author, Professor Harvey Coates, in one of his indigenous ear health clinics just outside Perth, Western Australia. Prof Coates has worked with a broad...

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids – Third Edition

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids – Third Edition is intended primarily as a course book for “non‑audiologists or undergraduate audiology students who have yet to fit their first pair of hearing aids”. It is aimed primarily at students in the...

Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

This book highlights the importance of giving patient and family-centred care (PFCC) in clinic to those with a communication difference. Input is included from informed healthcare professionals, and its focus is on the ‘how to’ with evidenced-based methods for improving...

Audiology Workbook – Third Edition

The Audiology Workbook (third edition) is aimed at students completing an audiology degree. It is designed as an accompaniment to the authors’ textbook, but I feel it could be used as a standalone workbook for any student audiologist. It asks...

Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology

As the only textbook available on research methods in audiology, this book seems likely to be rapidly added to reading lists for undergraduate students. The authors draw on their extensive experience to guide readers through every stage of the research...

Rapid Audiogram Interpretation: A Clinician’s Manual

This book is a manual and a workbook to systematically understand and interpret an audiogram for those who are new to audiometry such as residents, trainees and students. It is a worthy reference guide even to well-established practising clinicians. The...

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation Serving Children and Adults with Hearing Loss - Third Edition

As the name indicates, this book deals with the bread and butter of audiologists or at least what should be our bread and butter. We work with changing people in changing environments, therefore, along with an acute understanding of technology,...

Manual of Pediatric Balance Disorders - Second Edition

This is a very welcome and recently updated book for those wishing to learn about paediatric balance disorders. It has a multidisciplinary authorship and therefore all the specialties involved in the management of a child with balance problems should be...

Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six – Fourth Edition

This book is targeted at a wide audience, from students and healthcare professionals to parents of children with hearing loss. The book is split into two sections: the first section aims to provide the reader with background infomation about hearing...