You searched for "military"

240 results found

In conversation with Professor Jos Eggermont

Having known Jos for many years, I jumped at the opportunity to catch up with him for our Nov/Dec 2020 series of tinnitus items. My questions reached him during lockdown, and he was enjoying the chance to get on top...

In conversation with Professor Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen

Friends for a quarter of a century, Ricard Simo and Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen caught up for a distanced chat about conferences, COVID and collaborations. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen. I remember meeting you for the first time in Budapest at the 1995 EUFOS Meeting....

Manuel Patricio Rodriguez Garcia (1805-1906): The ‘inventor of the laryngoscope’ and world-renowned singing teacher

Paris was the birthplace of the laryngoscope, invented by Manuel Garcia. As we are in Paris for IFOS 2017, Neil Weir tells us about this fascinating man, who travelled the world and was a renowned singer and laryngologist. Manuel Patricio...

Pathways for becoming an audiologist in the USA Part 1: the early years

Part 2 of this topic is available here. The Doctor of Audiology degree is required for clinical practice in the USA. In part one of a two-part series, Professor Hall reviews the evolution of academic credentialing for American audiologists, beginning...

What’s new in protecting hearing?

Preventing an avoidable hearing loss before it begins would be the public health dream. In this article Kathleen Campbell takes us through one option that is showing the potential to fulfil that ambition. Kathleen explains the development of a preventative...

Retrospective review of paediatric salivary gland tumours

As is the case with adults, primary tumours of the salivary glands in children comprise a heterogeneous collection of different histological types. This paper presents a retrospective review of primary salivary gland tumours in children treated over the course of...

Combined endoscopic and transcutaneous approach for removal of parotid stones

The authors describe a small case series (n=8) of patients with obstructive symptoms from sialolithiasis of the parotid gland. A combined endoscopic and transcutaneous approach was used. The position of the stone in Stensen’s duct was identified by endoscopic transillumination....

Acoustic schwannoma regression post-Gamma Knife treatment

In this retrospective study the authors studied the optimal interval following radiosurgery for differentiating between true growth of tumour versus pseudoprogression using serial volumetric data. A total of 118 patients with a median tumour volume of 0.74cm3 at Gamma Knife...

Incoming RSM Presidents share their plans for the year

Section of Laryngology & RhinologyMichael Kuo – PresidentVictoria Possamai – Honorary Secretary Another academic year for the RSM beckons. The programmes that Tim Woolford and Guri Sandhu presented, culminating in the first ‘face to face’ ENT meeting this year, both...

Time to professionalise medical leadership

For a profession proud of its adherence to an evidence base, medicine has been remarkably slow to acknowledge and to act on the evidence which underpins the value of good leadership to patients and the healthcare system. Mr Robert Francis...

Anaesthesia under fire

Kate Prior is an anaesthetist who has, quite literally, been there, done that. In this article she manages to use words on a page to bring to life some of the conditions and challenges she faced as a member of...

Paediatric pituitary surgery - is it lagging behind?

Endoscopic sellar surgery, especially for adenomas, is a relatively safe, straightforward surgery with (mostly) reproducible results and few complications. However, the evolution of pituitary surgery was a long process, starting from open/transfrontal approaches all the way to transsphenoid to the...