You searched for "registry"

685 results found

COVID-19 and ENT training: experiences from around the world

Here, ENT trainees share their experiences of adaptations to both clinical practice and training during the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcome other colleagues from around the world to share their experiences with us via social media or the website. Australia Olivia...

Medical training initiative (MTI): stepping outside the box

Medical training initiative (MTI) scheme in the UK are becoming increasingly available and are actively supported by ENT UK. Despite this, knowledge of them is limited and there can be a mismatch between supervisors and potential candidates. Our authors, Manuela...

The experience of being a new ENT SHO

In this article, Matt Donachie shares insights on the daunting yet enjoyable experience of starting as an ENT junior doctor, offering valuable advice. Starting your first job as a junior doctor in any specialty in the UK can be a...

Surgical management of sleep disordered breathing

Snoring and sleep-disordered breathing are often described as multi-level problems, and different surgical procedures are required to treat the various sites of airway narrowing and/or collapse. Jonathan Hobson gives us an eloquent run-through the various options available to the ENT...

ESPO 2023 call for abstracts

"Science, clinicians and families – better together” is the theme of the 16th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, taking place in Liverpool, UK, 20–23 May 2023. The emphasis of the congress will be on how paediatric ORL...

Communication Disorders: a combined discipline of audiology and speech and language pathology – the Israeli perspective

Liat Kishon-Rabin provides an excellent summary of audiology training in Israel, encapsulating the development of audiology services in the country. Readers will be intrigued by the systematic approach taken to its development, and its pairing with speech and language pathology....

How does temporomandibular dysfunction affect voice-related quality of life?

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is a group of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal problems that affect the muscles and fascia related to chewing and jaw opening. Patients are often seen in ENT clinics because of symptoms such as trismus, pain and muscle tension,...

Lies, damned lies and relative risk reduction

Chris Potter has a thing or two to say about the use of statistics and, in doing so, he takes us to a Friday night steak house that is prone to airway disasters and on a short tour of his...

In conversation with Guri Sandu - Cutting Edge Laryngology 2019

Guri Sandu is a Consultant Otolaryngologist and Head & Neck Surgeon at Imperial College and The Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospitals in London, with honorary contracts at The Royal Brompton, University College and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals. He is...

All change at International Newsround

ENT & Audiology News has two new ENT editors who have joined Audiology Editor Keiran Joseph on the International Newsround section. After six years in the role, Emma Stapleton has handed over to Rohma Abrar and Haseem Raja. “They are...

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Anatomy, Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Surgical Technique - Fourth Edition

Although nothing can substitute for hands-on training and time in theatre, this book is about as close as any trainee wanting to make up for training time lost to the COVID-19 pandemic, will get. Whether bought as reading for a...

French clinic prize for Chloe Swords

Congratulations to Chloe Swords for winning the TWJ Short Papers Presentation Prize for 2023 for her presentation at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), London, UK. She is seen here being presented with her prize of a trip to the Jean Causse Clinic in Béziers, France, by Martin Bailey, Consultant ENT Surgeon.