You searched for "screening"

1768 results found

Hearing Care, cognitive decline and dementia: A public health challenge, or an opportunity for healthy ageing?

Brian Lamb, OBE and Sue Archbold PhD, Hon LLD A new document from The Ear Foundation, launched at European Association of Cochlear Implant Users (EURO-CIU) annual general meeting in Poland, reviews the latest evidence on the association between hearing loss,...

Leaving an impression – OTOSCAN ear scanning solution

Every person has uniquely-shaped ears that continue to grow over time. Making an accurate reproduction of the ear is an important part of delivering a customised ear product. From the early 1950s, this was achieved using a paste which set...

Unanswered questions in adult ototoxicity associated with platinum-based chemotherapy

Do the potential side-effects on hearing and tinnitus need to be a ‘necessary evil’ of platinum-based chemotherapy? How strong is our evidence base when offering advice to patients and fellow clinicians? David Baguley and his team from the University of...

MRI scanning patients with cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants

In the last five to six decades, MRI scanning has gone from physics experiments in Nottingham University through to Nobel prize-winning work by Sir Peter Mansfield and Paul Lauterbur, to a ‘routine’ imaging modality with an estimated 60 million MRI...

Establishing a medical device company: an ENTrepreneur’s experience

In 2004, while I was suturing the mucopericondrial flaps for a septoplasty, I thought to myself, “there must be an easier and faster way of doing this”. Even though I had no formal training in business or medical device development,...

Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six - Third Edition

I was very excited to read this book as I have seen some of Carol Flexer’s presentations on the auditory brain and the concepts have fitted well into my paediatric rehabilitation clinics, especially in relating the complexities of hearing loss...

Pediatric Amplification: Enhancing Auditory Access

The authors of Pediatric Amplification: Enhancing Auditory Access set out to provide a comprehensive resource for professionals who serve children who are hard of hearing and their families and caregivers, and they have delivered it. The book is easy to...

How common are swallowing problems in a general adult population?

This paper reports on the largest cross-continent study to date, looking at the prevalence of swallowing problems reported by adults in the community aged 18-65 years old. The authors used the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) distributed via an online survey...

The delivery of ENT services in Mongolia: what are its obstacles?

Globally, the burden of ENT disease is great. Disabling hearing loss (DHL) for example, is reported to affect half a billion people worldwide. The majority of afflicted individuals live in lower and middle-income countries (LMIC) [1]. This article, a collaboration...

Sanibel Supply goes Global with EarWays Medical

Sanibel Supply has partnered with EARWAYS Medical for global distribution of EarWay Pro, a safe, efficient, and simple tool for cerumen removal.

All videoswallows are not performed equally…

Videofluoroscopy is one of the main instrumental tools used to assess swallowing biomechanics and physiology. In the UK, it is mainly within the remit of speech and language therapists (SLT) to perform videoswallows but there is considerable variability in both...

Pharmacologic treatment options for tinnitus

This article summarises potential medications that could be used to treat tinnitus and the evidence behind their use. Effective medications to eliminate tinnitus remain elusive but treatment could be divided into two broad categories: treatment to reduce perception of tinnitus...