You searched for "sleep"

425 results found

Changes in airway dimensions after orthognathic surgery

This is a systematic review of meta-analysis evaluating the effect of different types of orthognathic surgery on the cross sectional area and volume of the upper airway as assessed using CT or MRI. They found 28 articles of which only...

Long-term outcomes after (adeno) tonsillectomy

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are used increasingly to fill an ‘evidence gap’ where healthcare rationing threatens particular treatments. Tonsillectomy is a long-established and effective treatment for recurrent tonsillitis and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in children. The T-14 outcome measure examines...

Rhinosinusitis in secondary school children - Part 2: main project analysis of MSNOT-20 Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ)

Rhinosinusitis in secondary school children - Part 2: main project analysis of MSNOT-20 Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ) This study used the modified SNOT-20 in Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ) to evaluate the prevalence and effects of rhinosinusitis in adolescent children (aged...

Cascading communication skills to help children with autism

Inadequate workforce resource is an ongoing difficulty across the health professions. This study proposes a train the trainer model, with the ultimate goal of improving the communication skills of children with autism. The study describes an intervention called naturalistic developmental...

Pediatric Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Clinical Reference Guide

It is perhaps inevitable that this book will draw comparisons to the well-known Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide, edited by Raza Pasha and Justin Golub. That book, usually simply referred to as ‘Pasha’, has become a...

European position paper on drug induced sedation endoscopy (DISE)

DISE is a controversial topic but a practice that is largely accepted in the UK. There has been much variation about the technique, and how to interpret the results. For this reason, a collection of European DISE bigwigs aimed for...

Multifrequency tympanometry

There are many good reasons to start using multifrequency tympanometry as opposed to a traditional, single 226Hz probe tone. Here, Leigh Martin of Interacoustics discusses the uses and benefits. Tympanometry is a core test in the audiologist’s test battery. In...

The role of artificial intelligence and applications in ENT surgery

AI is progressing apace. If you’re wondering how it might affect our working lives in ENT, read on for insights and a pilot study that show us what may be possible. The recent launch of ChatGPT, an open access artificial...

Poking the bear: learning to drain quinsy on a mannequin head

Simulation in medicine has gained significant traction in both undergraduate and postgraduate training over the last couple of decades or so – the benefits to all involved are clear. The airline industry models for human factors and crew resource management...

Manual of Paediatric Balance Disorders

There is a lot of literature available describing the pathophysiology and causes of balance disorders in adults. However, balance disorders in children are not as well understood and this is reflected in the relative dearth of literature. The standard reference...

On-call in ENT Surgery

The On-call in ENT Surgery, as part of the On-call Series, is written explicitly as the “survival guide” for all junior doctors starting out in ENT or as “a tool to aid consolidation of knowledge gathered by more senior ENT...

Cochlear implants: recipient stories

The most powerful evidence for the remarkable achievements made with cochlear implants over 40 years comes from the life-changing, personal stories of those who have benefited from the technology. James Rylance I first noticed a problem with hearing when I...