You searched for "sleep"

428 results found

Describing the most useful OSA assessment?

This article sets out to comprehensibly describe drug induced sleep endoscopy and its role in determining the level of obstruction in patients with OSA. The advantages described include the fact that other techniques, including Muller’s manoeuvre, have significant variation in...

Can surgery make you a better driver?

Obstructive sleep apnoea is a condition that can have far reaching health, economic and safety implications for the individual inflicted with the condition, as well as those in their immediate and wider surroundings. Having the freedom to drive taken away...

How useful is AHI?

There is a growing unease in the sleep medicine world about the usefulness of the apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI). Most of our objective evidence about obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is in some way related to the AHI, and the respiratory physicians...

Nasal allergies and OSA

The first day of June is the meteorological start of summer. As a moderately wet spring slowly blurs to (a damp UK) summer, we can look forward to holidays in the countryside, enjoying the changing pollen seasons from tree to...

Postoperative complications in OSA patients

This well researched meta-analysis describes the various complications obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients may acquire after surgery. These American reviewers found that OSA patients after non-upper airway operations, were more like to suffer (compared to non-OSA patients), from the following...

Hypoglossal stimulation for OSA

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a highly effective treatment for moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), but suffers significantly from poor patient adherence. This paper reports the three-year outcomes of a prospective multicentre cohort study examining the effect of hypoglossal...

Clinical assessment in OSA

This paper divides the assessment up into anatomical (nasal and oropharyngeal), endoscopic and imaging. It points out the salient features to look out for in OSA patients with regards the nasal valve and also oropharyngeal anatomy, with tonsil hypertrophy grading...

The experience of being a new ENT SHO

In this article, Matt Donachie shares insights on the daunting yet enjoyable experience of starting as an ENT junior doctor, offering valuable advice. Starting your first job as a junior doctor in any specialty in the UK can be a...

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical reference guide - Fourth Edition

This textbook, well known to North American residents, is now in its fourth edition. It has been extensively revised to include more up-to-date topics, such as robotic surgery, sleep medicine and paediatric otolaryngology. Authors Raza Pasha and Justin Golab aim...

RCT: tongue retaining devices vs CPAP for OSA

This study compared the effect of a tongue retaining device versus the use of CPAP in 27 patients within a crossover RCT design. Tongue retaining devices (also known as tongue stabilising devices), are similar in appearance to a plastic tongue-sized...

Patient factors associated with spontaneous CSF leak

This article highlights the role of obesity, sleep apnoea and raised intracranial pressure as linked pathologies in the aetiology of the spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (sCSF) leak. The authors link sCSF leak with obesity and comment on sCSF leak incidence increasing...

A review of DISE classification systems

This article looks at the wide variety of classification systems currently available for interpreting drug induced sleep endoscopy (DISE).The fact that there are so many classification systems, suggests that there is: A) a lot of disagreement about how DISE should...