You searched for "surgeons"

2206 results found

The ENT operating theatre viewed down the retrospectoscope

We learn much of our future by looking at our past; Douglas MacMillan provides us with a fascinating glimpse into his years as a junior doctor. The operating theatre was a somewhat alien environment in the late 1960s: theatre sisters...

Is one glass of wine on call safe?

It’s a standard question for those about to sit a Specialist Training (ST) interview; you are on call and you call a senior colleague in to perform an operation. You smell alcohol on the breath of the surgeon, so what...

ENT in this issue...Anaesthetics and ENT

Nick Crombie, BMedSci BMBS FRCA FIMC RCSEd RCPathME, Associate Medical Director (Governance); Consultant Trauma Anaesthetist; Honorary Researcher, National Institute for Health Research SRMRC: Clinical Lead for Resuscitation Services, QEHB, UK. E: Plastic surgeons think we do endless crosswords. Orthopaedic...

ENT in this issue... Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (NovDec18)

But for the clumsiness of increasing the number of letters in the acronym, ‘ENT’ would have grown to include recognition of the subspecialties of skull base surgery, facial plastic surgery and paediatric ENT surgery, of which management of ENT problems in children has seen perhaps the greatest development.

ENT clinics – 50 years of progress…?

Cocaine in abundance, eustachian tube catheterisation, and the ever-present threat of a fire in the clinic… How have things changed in the last few decades? Retired ENT surgeon, Douglas MacMillan, tells us of his experiences starting out in the late...

In conversation with Ricard Simo

Ricard Simo is a Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital. He is also Vice-President of the European Laryngological Society and is the Audit and Governance Lead for the ENT-UK Head and Neck Society. Our editor,...

Oesophageal atresia and trachea-oesophageal fistula: a perspective on dysphagia management from Turkey

Children born with oesophageal atresia with or without trachea-oesophageal fistula usually receive early surgical repair to create tension-free anastomosis that facilitates oral feeding. However, many children are at risk of problems related to subsequent dysphagia. This includes respiratory, nutritional, motility...

Ergonomics in otorhinolaryngology

Raewyn Campbell is a rhinologist and skull base surgeon in Sydney, Australia. Prior to training in medicine, she was trained as a physiotherapist, and she brings both disciplines into her research on ergonomics in surgery. Surgeons need to look after...

Image-Guided Surgery: Fundamentals and Clinical Applications in Otolaryngology

Although not inspired particularly by the concept of the book, I was reassured by the introduction that the theory behind image guided surgery (IGS) would be presented in a way that was accessible, with “all technical descriptions trimmed to the...

Suspect the unsuspecting in thyroid cancer

This article reminds readers of how often invasive thyroid disease can appear, as the symptomatology is minimal. Noticeable airway symptoms appear after 50% of the airway is involved and surgeons can often fall in the unsuspecting trap of discovering locally...

Women in Surgery: Lift as you climb

Report by: Maha Khan, ST5, Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust On the first rainy morning of autumn I made my way to the Royal College of General Practitioners, for the Royal College of Surgeons’ Women in Surgery section’s Lift As...