You searched for "technology"

1415 results found

Winners announced for 2024 Hearing Technology Innovator Awards

Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM), an online resource for hearing professionals and consumers with hearing loss, has today revealed the winners of its fifth annual Hearing Technology Innovator Awards™. Through this esteemed awards programme, HHTM continues to honour innovation...

Smell Above All: Where Technology Meets the Nose

This event, part of the EPSRC/NIHR-funded Smell Care Project, gathered over 100 international attendees. It highlighted the often-overlooked importance of smell in daily life, supporting individuals with smell loss through digital training and showcasing technology that enhances smell-related quality of life.

New Exclusive Distributors for Romet Laryngectomee Products

Tom Dodson President of Romet Electronic Larynx proudly announces that Romet has entered exclusive distribution arrangements for all Romet Laryngectomee products in Vietnam and Mexico.

Student education grants for hearing conference

Frequency Therapeutics is offering student sponsorship for a second year to the Future of Hearing Healthcare Conference. The grant is open to any students currently pursuing a graduate-level degree (master's or doctorate) in audiology or a related discipline.

Use of technological aids and interpretation services

Hearing loss attracts large interest among researchers all over the world due to its prevalence and negative psychological side-effects. Usually hearing loss is managed with hearing aids. However, there are several additional technologies that can be of great help for...

Innovating around access to hearing services during the pandemic

COVID-19 has also presented its challenges to hearing healthcare providers and to the industry and, similarly, called for innovation and creativity. Dr Bromwich describes how these sectors are rising to the challenge. The reality of COVID-19 has been a challenging...

Sandlin’s Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification: Technical and Clinical Considerations – Third Edition

This textbook is intended for graduate clinicians and scientists in audiology. It covers a broad range of topics over 20 chapters written by clinical and technical experts, most of whom are based in the US and Denmark, and the book...

Audiology Treatment

This book brings a great new comprehensive text to audiologists. It is readable, despite most chapters being written by different authors. Dr Galster has edited a collection of chapters from experts in their field into something that is comprehensive, totally...

Diagnosis, wearables and remote monitoring in 15 and 50 years

In 2069 will we look forward to being enslaved by robots, becoming zombies or having our health (and ill health) diagnosed by nanotech? Ajith George muses over what the future holds for us all. The future of healthcare, not just...

Audiology in this issue...Amplification 2019

Gareth Smith, MSc, AuD, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: In previous areas of the Audiology Features Section, this theme would have been called ‘Hearing Aids’. With the increased interest in ‘over-the-counter’ or ‘direct-to-consumer’ devices, we...